So Far, It's Alright

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Chapter 38


I can't believe I'm doing this. I stood outside of his door. I tried to knock many times, but I always hesitated.

What if he doesn't even want to talk to me? I sighed. I need to stop overthinking so much and just knock on the door. How can I not complete such a simple task?

I took a deep breath and regained my composure. I brought my fist up to the door and pounded it three times. I let out a breath and took a step back.

I furrowed my eyebrows when no one answered it. I knocked one more time to see if anyone would come to the door.

I frowned and held onto the door knob and twisted it. The door was unlocked and the house was dark.

"Zayn?" I lightly called out.

I wasn't sure if I should just walk in, but my curiosity got the best of me.

The floor was littered with soda cans, beer bottles, and paper plates. Not to mention it reeked like a middle school locker room.

"Hello?" I called out once more. "Zayn," I said louder.

Where the heck is he? He's as pale as the white walls, how can I not find him?

I continued to venture around. I frowned at what a mess his flat was. Is he really that bad?

I found my way to his bedroom and pushed it open. His bedroom was ten times darker than the living room. I took a step forward and squinted my eyes to see anything.

And there he was.

"Zayn?" I whispered. He was sitting down with his head facing down.

Worry started to fill me up. Is he okay?

"Zayn," I said again and put my hand on his shoulder. I shook him a bit when he didn't respond. Saying that I was scared was an understatement.

I went down on my knees and placed my ear near his face. He was breathing which relieved my stress. He's probably sleeping.

"Zayn," I said one last time until his head snapped up.

His hazel eyes burned into mine for what seemed like an eternity.

"Saige," He murmured. "You're here." He rambled. "You're actually here."

"I'm here," My lips turned upward into a smile. I took in his appearance at this moment. He grew out his stubble a bit and he's gotten skinnier, that's for sure.

"W-Why are you here?" Zayn frowned.

"Because I need you," I said as I held onto his hand.

"You need me?" He rose an eyebrow. "But you left. You left me."

It was my turn to frown. "What do you mean? I didn't leave you,"

Zayn shook his head. "You did. At the park you left me."

"Zayn, I-"

"Why did you leave?" He cried. "I don't understand." I sighed.

"I left because I was angry."

"Angry at what? Why were you so angry that it caused you to walk away?" He frowned.

"I was angry at myself," I bit my lip. "I was angry at myself, because I left the man that meant the world to me." Zayn stared at me and his grip on my hand became tighter.

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now