Another Chance

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Chapter 15


"Why'd you take me here?" I felt tears prickling at my eyes as I stared at the park in front of me. Why would he take me here? He knows how I feel about him still. "I know your upset, Saige. Just listen to me real quick, okay?" Zayn pleaded. I folded my arms across my chest, waiting for him to start talking.

"To be honest, I don't even know why I brought you here." He blew out a breath. "I guess it's because I want to find out my feelings for you." Zayn looked me in the eye. I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I whispered. "I don't know what I feel for you. One second, I think I'm falling for you and the next, I think that we should be friends." I just stared at him. Shocked. I was feeling shocked. "I see that your still wearing the necklace." Zayn's eyes flickered down to my neck. I coughed awkwardly. "How is taking me here going to help you find your feelings for me?" I ignored his comment. "I want to relive the past." He spoke seriously. "What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I want to figure out how I fell for you." I shook my head. "No, No. You can't do that, your with Perrie. Remember?" I said.

Zayn heavily sighed. "I know, but I'm not even sure if I want to be with her too. It's complicated." Now it was my turn to sigh. "How can I relive the past with you, when all I think about is how you left me." My voice came out hoarse. Zayn ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "Saige, what happened in the past is in the past. Can't you give this--us, one more try?" He sounded as if he wss begging.

One more try. Do I really want to give us another go? Another shot in being friends?

"Okay." I breathed. "I'll give us one more try." If I fall once more, I hope he'll be there to catch me.

"Really?" Zayn's face lit up. "You'll give us another chance?" The corners of my lips lifted up into a small smile. "I'm not going to repeat myself." I spoke quietly. Zayn's face broke out into a smile. "But if we're going to start over, I don't want it to be the same. Let's start fresh." I said.

"Of course, so do you want to go to dinner instead?" He spoke quickly. "How about having a movie night?" I suggested. "Yeah, okay." Zayn nervously scratched the back of his neck. "I haven't been to fond of going out anymore after, you know..." I said, referring to the hashtag Zaynisacheater. "Don't want you blowing up on me again." I softly laughed. "Oh, sorry about that... I wasn't in the mood at the time." "Don't worry about it." I gave him a small smile. "Let's go rent some movies, yeah?" I said while walking back to the car.

"Let's watch a classic."

"No! Let's watch a cartoon."

"Nah, how about a drama?"

"Ew, lets just watch a comedy."

We bickered while looking at the choices from Redbox. "Okay, fine. A comedy it is." Zayn finally agreed. "How about Madea's Big Happy Family?" I suggested. Zayn scrunched up his nose. "Not a big fan of Tyler Perry, to be honest." He spoke in his thick accent. I huffed out a breath. "Fine, you go pick one." I crossed my arms. "And make it quick because people are starting to notice you." I whispered.

"Alright, I picked one." Zayn hid the DVD behind his back. "What movie did you choose?" I asked. Zayn sucked in his cheeks to hold his laughter. "Well?" I rose an eyebrow. He waved the DVD case in front of me. I let out a small chuckle. "High School Musical, really?" I asked. "I haven't seen this in ages." I said. "Actually, I've never seen it before." My mouth fell agape. "Your lying." "Nope." "Well then Malik, prepare for the most cheesiest movie ever." I smirked.

"We forgot to buy popcorn!" I hollered as I looked through the plastic shopping bags. "So?" "Who watches movies without popcorn?" I asked. "I have some left over pasta." Zayn suggested. "I guess." I sighed dramatically. Zayn grabbed the container filled with what seemed to be Alfredo pasta. "Why don't you go start the movie while I heat this up." I nodded.


"We're all in this together!" The main characters of the movie chanted as they did cheesey dance moves. "This has been one of the most corniest movies I've ever seen." Zayn laughed. "I told you." "If we were eight, I'd probably enjoy the movie more." I laughed. "It's only seven o'clock, so what else do you want to do?" I asked. "Wanna build a fort?" His eyes lit up. I giggled. "Are you sure your twenty-one?" I smirked. "Shut up, let's build one." He grabbed a few blankets and pillows.

We moved the couches and chairs around and threw the blanket on top. "Turn of the lights." I said while flicking on the flashlight. "Do you remember when we built a fort like this?" Zayn quietly asked. "Yes." I said slowly. "Just like old times." He smiled. "I'm really glad that your giving me--us another chance at being friends." The corners of my mouth slowly lifted up. "Everyone deserves a second chance." I said.

We stayed silent for a while, just staring at the small light that the flashlight gave us. My mind trailed off to Perrie. Will she find out that Zayn and I are working it out-- sort of? I'm quite terrified of what she might do to me, referring to what she told me the other day.

Zayn's thumb ran over the crinkles of my forehead, smoothing them out. "What are you thinking about? It seems like something is bothering you." He said. "What about Perrie?" I asked. "Are you going to tell her about this? I mean, you two are together and all..." "Saige, don't think about that right now. Let's just enjoy our time together while we have it." I sighed. "When is she coming back?" "Some time next week." Zayn spoke quietly. "I--I should go." I got up, grabbing my coat in the process.

"Saige," Zayn called. "Your not leaving because of the thought of Perrie and I, are you?" He asked. "Goodbye, Zayn." I walked outside, letting the cool wind kiss my skin. "Thank you for tonight." I added before walking down the sidewalk.

I sighed once I was out of his sight. Perrie was still on my mind.

"Zayn will never want you. If he did, why didn't he stay with you? Oh that's right, he wants me not you."

That's all Zayn and I will ever be. Friends. Why can't I have a simple love life like Gabriella and Troy? It would be much easier and less stressful. It's official. Love sucks.

(A/N) Short ass chapter I know. :( im not proud of this chapter either lol. I would have made it longer, but I wanted to release a chapter and get this story off hold. This story is back on track! It'll just take me longer to upload a new chapter. Kk ily, see y'all next time!

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