Who Am I

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Chapter 22


I've stayed up all night rereading the song. Why am I so nervous? I grabbed Liam's keyboard and began playing the notes over and over again. What if I mess up? Goddammit, Zayn. Did I just talk to myself in third person? I must be going crazy.

"You look a bit flustered." Liam's voice startled me. "I'm just really nervous. What if she doesn't want to see me after this, Liam?" I asked. "You need to stop doubting yourself. She's loved you through all those times, right?  Then she should continue to love you after this song." He patted my shoulder.

"You should also tell her that we're leaving in two days." He added. "Now lets go to the coffee shop. I've made sure that there'll be an okay amount of people; don't want anyone to mob you."

"Thanks, Liam." I smiled.

I grabbed all of the paper that contained the piano notes and the lyrics. I memorized them, but I don't want to risk messing up.

"I called up Harry to bring Saige there, by the way." Liam said. "Harry knows?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would he want to help me when he likes Saige? "No, he doesn't. I told him to meet us there. That's all." Liam clarified.

We arrived to the coffee shop. Saying that my heart was racing is an understatement. I've never felt so nervous before in my life. I bit my lip as we entered the shop. "Zayn Malik! I'm Luke Carnahan, manager of Mimi's Cafe. Your performing today, correct?" He said.

"Yeah, where is everyone?" I asked. The coffee shop was completely empty except for a few employees. "I know you wouldn't want a whole group of teenage girls on you, so I invited my family to watch. They're big fans." Luke smiled brightly. "That's great, thanks." I shook his hand. "No, thank you. It's an honor to have one from the most famous band in the world perform in my shop."

Liam tapped my shoulder. "The boys and Saige are on their way." Liam informed me. "Ah, let me go get my family." Luke rushed towards the back of the shop. "Amici e parenti, sta per cominciare!" His whole family started to fill up the small space.

"Zayn, please get comfortable on the stage while I go prepare everyone drinks and snacks." Luke said. "Don't get scared, Zayn. Act like its any kind of concert we've done before." Liam sent me a reassuring smile. I nodded.

I pressed a few keys on the piano to make sure it was working. The piano was utterly gorgeous, it's just that its been here for two decades. "They're here." Liam whispered, before greeting them. My eyes wandered over to where they were.

I nearly died when I saw Saige in her sundress. She looked beautiful.  Yet, she was standing by Harry. Were they a "thing" now? I furrowed my eyebrows until Liams face popped into my view, giving me a thumbs up. I sent him a smile, before starting.

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin