"Can I ask you a question?"

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Chapter 34


Perrie's back again. I don't know where or when she came, but I'm almost glad that she's here. She'll always be a person that I love. As of right now, she's the only thing keeping me up. After the incident, she's been comforting me. I'm keeping her around for now, because I'm selfish and I need someone.

I can't describe how I felt when I saw Saige and that bloke together. I wanted to break everything. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, but I managed to stop myself from doing so. All I saw was red.

Maybe I should've stayed inside the room and punch the guy's teeth out.

"Do you want to go out today?" Perrie asked. "We can eat out for lunch. If not, I can go and buy some pasta to cook." She offered. I shook my head. She sighed and took a seat next to me. "The only way your going to feel better is if you go outside and live."

I groaned. "I'm okay, I'm fine." I huffed out a breath. Perrie rolled her eyes in response.

"It's been a week, nearly two!" She frowned. My ears perked up at her tone of voice. "Look, she made you into this!" She motioned towards me. "Your practically an emotionless man who says he's tired, but deep down he's really upset." I began to talk, but Perrie cut me off. "She hasn't even tried to contact you. Is that not enough for you to see that she was never really in love with you?"

My hands subconsciously formed into fists. "No," I growled. "She's in love with me and I'm in love with her. She wouldn't be lying this whole time-- she wouldn't." I began to stammer.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Zayn, but all she wanted was to get back at you for leaving her."

"Shut up!" I bursted. Perrie jumped slightly from the tone of my voice. "Stop saying that. Saige still loves me, I know it." I breathed heavily. "She forgave me for doing such a stupid decision." Perrie flinched at my words. "So don't you dare say Saige doesn't love me. I'll believe it if she says it to me face to face."

I glared into Perrie's icy blue eyes.

"Z--Zayn, I'm only trying to help you through the right path. There's no need to get mad." She held onto my arm. "She's not who you think she is. You should've kept your distance."

"Stop," I whispered harshly. "Just stop talking." I took my arm out of her grasp and went into my bedroom.

I don't know why I bursted out like that. I didn't want to hear Perrie talk about Saige's relationship with me. I don't want to hear anyone talking about us.

Perrie's words is making my head messed up. It's true that Saige hasn't tried to contact me in any way. Has she been trying to get revenge on me? Was she in love with that bloke the whole time?

I groaned and buried my face into my hands. This is too much for me to handle.


I woke up to soft knocks on my bedroom door. I got up slowly and opened the door, only to be blinded by the lights in the hallway.

"I made Alfredo." Perrie smiled meekly as she held a plate of pasta in her hands.

"Thank you," I said softly, taking the plate from her. "I'd like to apologize for yelling earlier." Perrie slightly chuckled.

"It's fine. Your going through something tough right now." She patted my shoulder. "I want to apolgize for yelling also,"

"It's nothing we haven't been through before." I smiled.

"You did the most annoying things, that's why I always got so irritated." Perrie frowned for a split second, until it transformed into a grin. "Remember when you couldn't find your favorite button-up shirt and we got into an argument?"

I softly laughed. "I still can't find the damn thing."

"What about that one time where we had guests coming over and we didn't have any food prepared for them?"

We continued to laugh and reminisce a few moments we had in the past. All too fast, it died down. Perrie's head was resting onto my shoulder. We stayed in a comfortable silence.

"Can I ask you a question?" Perrie suddenly sat up. I motioned for her to continue.

"If Saige didn't exist," She paused for a moment. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Would we still have a second chance?"

It took me a few seconds, maybe even minutes for me to reply.

"If Saige didn't exist, then yes." I answered.

"We would have a second chance."


I'm sorry!

Got major writers block, but I managed to get this written up.

I apologize that it's short and it's a filler, but I'll try to make the next chapter better.

BTW, this story is coming to an end soon! Maybe ten (or more, or less) chapters left.

I love you guys. xx

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