Date with Drew

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Chapter 8


Today was my "blind date" with Drew. It actually isn't a blind date since I know who it is. "Saige! Are you ready?" Alison bursted through my door. "Sure." I groaned. I still wanted to sleep, I barely slept last night because I wanted to figure out if I wanted the beat to be piano or acoustic. "Alright, get your pretty ass up and take a shower while I make breakfast." She finally got out of my room.

I stretched and took out the dress that Alison bought me. I took a quick shower and slipped on the dress. "Ali! Do you want to do my hair and makeup?" I yelled from the bathroom. All I heard was a faint "Yes!"

I flicked off the light and headed towards the kitchen. "Sexy!" Alison whistled. "Shut up!" I laughed. "Okay, so Drew just called me saying that he was going to take you out for breakfast and take you to the fair." I nodded. "So, no breakfast right now?" Ali shook her head 'no'. "Let's go do your hair and makeup!" She squealed grabbing my arm.

Ali grabbed a stool and made me sit down on it. She plugged in the curling iron and got the makeup bag. "I'll do your makeup while the curling iron is heating up." I nodded, letting her dab some eyeshadow. Once the makeup was done, Ali started curling my hair. "Your hair is so pretty when it's curled." She gasped. "Thanks." I smiled.

The doorbell rang. Ali and I looked at each other shocked. "I'm not ready." I blurted, my eyes widening. "What do you mean your not ready?" Ali whisper-yelled. "What if I screw up?" I questioned. I could feel my heart beat racing. "Just keep your cool, I'll get the door." I nodded as she walked out the bathroom.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. This is it. Your meeting new people. Just don't screw this up or else everything is ruined.

"Saige!" Ali's voice rang through my thoughts. I took a big breathe and walked out the room.

"Saige, Drew. Drew, Saige." Ali introduced us to each other. "Hi." Drew smiled holding out his hand. "Hi." I replied, shaking his hand.

My god, Drew was handsome. Today he wore khakis, a blue, button up, and glasses. The glasses suited him so well. I was practically staring at him. "Alright!" Ali's voice broke through my thoughts, once again. "You two cuties have a great day!" Ali pushed me out while closing the door.

"So, um do you like Louise's Pantry?" Drew asked nervously. "Of course, it's my favorite." I smiled. "Great, because that's where we're eating." He opened the passenger door for me.

We arrived at Louise's Pantry. "Drew Parks, reservations for two?" I'm glad he got reservations, every time I eat here all the tables are full. My eyes skimmed around the room. I landed on a blonde and a guy with a quiff. Perrie and Zayn. "Shit." I cursed, turning around. "What's wrong?" Drew had his arm around my waist. "Everything's fine." I smiled. "Please follow me." The waitress grabbed two menus and led us to our table.

Damn it. How come every time I come here, Perrie and Zayn are here. Especially when I'm trying to get over Zayn.

"Thanks." I smiled as Drew pulled out my chair. He's too much of a gentlemen. I like it. "So, tell me about yourself." Drew sat down in front of me. "Well, I don't really have anything interesting about me." "I'm sure you have a story to tell." He held my hand over the table. I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. "My name is Saige Nichols, I really like to sing and write songs. What about you?" "My name is Drew Parks, I love to play sports." He shot his signature smirk. "You sing?" He asked. "Yeah, but I barely tell anybody. "You have to let me hear you sing one of your songs." Drew winked. "I will." My cheeks growing a darker shade of pink.

I looked over my shoulder, still seeing Perrie and Zayn. Damn it, Saige. Stop looking at them. This is your chance to forget about them, forget about what happened a year ago.

The waitress came back with our food and drinks. "Two Belgian waffles, coffee, and lemonade." She nodded and walked away. "So, how old are you?" Drew cut off a piece of his waffle. "I just turned nineteen. I'm going to be a freshman in college. How about you?" I replied. "Twenty-one. I actually dropped out of college." Drew chuckled. "Why?" I laughed along. "I want to pursue my acting career." "You act?" I rose an eyebrow, while eating a piece of my waffle. "Yeah, I just recently auditioned for the Maze Runner." Drew smiled. "That's great. I hope you get the part." I returned the smile. "Thanks." He shot his famous smile.

"Saige? Hey!" Perrie called from behind. "Hi." I nervously got up and hugged her. "Zayn." I nodded my head, quickly looking away. "Saige." Zayn did the same. "Hi, I'm Perrie." Perrie introduced herself to Drew. "Drew." He nodded, shaking her hand. "Oh, and this is my boyfriend Zayn." Boyfriend. What if that turns into fiancé or husband? Ugh. I need to stop thinking about them.


We finished our breakfast and started to walk outside. "Do you know how to ice skate?" Drew asked. "I learned when I was little, but no, I can't." I smoothed out my dress. "I can teach you, I'm sure you can pick up what you learned from a while ago." He smiled. "Okay." I agreed. "But, should I change...?" My voice trailed off. "Its okay, I really like what your wearing. I promise I won't let you fall." He smiled. I felt a few butterflies in my stomach, but they were nothing compared to the ones Zayn would give me.

We arrived to the skating rink. "Whoa, I didn't think it'd be this cold." I rubbed my hands against my arms. "Here." Drew took off his button up and helped me put it on. "Thanks." I blushed. "No problem." He smiled. "Let's go get our skates." I nodded.

We told the guy our shoe sizes and he handed us the skates. "Okay, you ready?" Drew held onto the railing for balance. "Yup." I popped the 'p'. We went onto the ice. I almost fell, luckily Drew caught me. "Let me help you." He laced his fingers with mine, making me blush ferociously.

I soon got a hang of it. I almost fell, but I quickly recovered. Drew caught up to me, holding my waist. "Your really pretty. Beautiful, in fact." He blushed. "Your really handsome." I complimented back while laughing. We soon fell into silence, just staring at each other. "I think we should go. It's getting pretty late." Drew's cheeks grew a dark shade of pink. I checked the time, seeing that we've been here for three hours. I lost track in time. I was having a great time with Drew. Maybe I'll actually move on.

We returned the skates and I have Drew back his button up. He drove me back to my flat. "Thanks so much for this day, Drew. I had fun." I smiled. "Me too." Drew shot his signature smirk. "Oh, can I have your number?" He nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Of course, give me your phone." He rummaged through his pockets before handing me the cellular device. I quickly typed my seven digits and handed back his phone. "So, I guess I'll call you later tonight?" I nodded, smiling. "Thanks again." I pecked his cheek before going inside.

Ali was standing right by the door. It seemed like she was going to pull out her hair. "How was the date!" She yelled. "I had such a great time with him, he's so nice and sweet." I coo'd. "Yay!" Ali squealed. "You guys are so cute." She jumped. "I think this idea worked after all." I smirked.

(A/N) I picture Drew as Dylan O'Brien. If you don't know what he looks like, it's on the side :) I really don't have much to say except for, tweet #mtvhottest One Direction! Okay leave feedback! xx

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz