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Chapter 12


"Hi babe." Skype opened up, showing a very tired Perrie.

"Hey, I'm glad you arrived there safely." I sent her a sweet smile.

"Yeah, it's still cloudy here as usual." Perrie chuckled.

"I miss you already." I pouted.

"It's just two months. I'll be back before you know it." She winked.

"Hey, um. Can I ask you a question?" Perrie glanced down.

"Go ahead." I motioned for her to ask it.

"D--Do you still have feelings for Saige, by any chance?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Of course not. I love you, only you." I smiled.

I'm pretty sure that I don't like Saige, Sure I got a bit jealous of her and Harry when they were making their song. I still love Perrie. Nothing's changing that...I think.

"Oh okay." Perrie smiled.

"Why'd you ask?"

"I just got a little jealous when you two sang that song. It seemed like you two had some sort of connection." She fiddled with her fingers.

I did feel a connection towards Saige while we were singing it, felt like we were together again. It felt as if it was like old times. Saige and I being a couple and having no worries in our lives.

"We're just friends, Perrie. Don't worry. Your the only one whose in my eyes. The only one." I smiled.

"Okay." Perrie replied.

"Well, it's getting late here and I really need some rest. I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Okay, I love you." I blew her a kiss.

"I love you too."

I shut off the laptop after Perrie logged off.

Why would she think that I have feelings for Saige? Perrie was indeed the jealous type.

Saige. Did Saige have feelings for me? What she said at the party, "Cause I can't make you love me". I have a feeling she may have a small soft spot for me, but then again it could be the alcohol taking over her body.

My fingers drummed against the table. Ever since Saige came back into my life, I can't stop thinking of her, Perrie, and what happened a year ago. What is Saige feeling right now? Is she still bothered by the incident? Of course she is, you idiot.

I just need to clear my mind right now. Maybe I'll go to the bar and get a drink or two. I grabbed my phone and dialled Harry's number.

"Hello?" His deep voice boomed through the speakers of my phone.

"Hey, do you want to grab a drink or two?"

"Sure, let me get ready first. Whose driving?" He asked. "You know what, scratch that. I'll drive. You tend to drink a lot when we go out." Harry chuckled.

"Alright, pick me up once your done?" "Yeah." We bid our goodbyes and hung up.


"It looks busy. Are you sure you still want to go?" Harry pulled up to the club.

"Yeah, we're here already, so why not?"

"Okay." Harry sighed.

We walked into the dark building. People grinding and dancing to the loud booming music, drinking like there's no tomorrow.

"I'm going to get some shots." Harry yelled over the music. I nodded my head, following Harry. Once the bartender got the drinks ready, he slid them over to Harry and I.

I downed about five shots while Harry downed two. All we were doing was drinking and messing around. After more rounds of shots and gulping down drinks, everything became a blur.

"H--Hey, is that S--Saige?" Harry stammered. I looked over to where he was pointing. I couldn't see clearly. I squinted my eyes, eyeing the girl dancing.

I got up and started making my way towards her.

"Where are you going?" Harry called, but I ignored him.

Once I got closer, Saige's face was finally clear. What is she doing here? She hardly ever goes out.

She was dancing by herself, her body was moving with the beat. Not only was she a good singer, but a dancer as well. I couldn't help but place my hands on her hips, while she sways to the music. Saige turned around once she noticed where my hands were.

"Z--Zayn?!" She screeched. I sent her a smug smile. "What are you doing?" She shrugged my hands off her waist.

"Let's just dance." I slurred.

"No, stop." Saige snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"God your so hot when your mad." I groaned. I grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to me.

Her breath hitched up at my sudden movement. "Z--Zayn, j--just stop." Saige struggled with her words.

I brought my lips close to her ear, making sure it slightly brushed her cheek.

"I know you don't want me to stop, Saige." She shivered a bit from my words. I left soft kisses against her neck.

"Zayn." She moaned. Saige pushed me away from her. "Stop." The lust from her eyes dissapeared. "Your drunk." She spoke boldly.

"Is everything okay?" A guy came from behind Saige, his arm hanging over her shoulders.

"Who the fuck is this?" I slurred.

"Zayn." Saige snapped. "It's just a friend of mine." She bit her lip.

"I was about to go now. Do you still want me to drop you off?" The bloke ignored my harsh comment.

"Zayn who did you come here with?" Saige asked.

"Harry." I spoke bluntly, still glaring at the guy.

Saige skimmed the club for Harry. He was making out with some blonde chick. "He's obviously wasted." Saige sighed.

"Thanks Drew, but I think I'm going to drop them off. Just to be sure they're safe." Saige sent him a sweet smile.

Why can't she smile at me like that?

Every time she sees me, she either gives me a cold glare, or just blank expression. I just want to see her smile. Her real smile.

"Okay, call me if you need anything." Saige nodded.

Once "Drew" left, Saige's attention snapped towards me.

"What's your problem?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "Whatever, let's just get you to home."

Saige practically pulled the blonde girl off of Harry.

"What the hell?" The unnamed girl complained.

"Harry give me the keys." Saige ignored the girl. Harry rummaged through his pockets before handing the car keys to her.

"Let's go." Saige grabbed his wrist.

"Call me!" Harry cheekily smiled at the girl.

(A/N) Does that count as a cute part? Lol, idk. It was pretty cliche if you ask me. The original chapter wasn't going to be about this, but I'm glad I changed it. Leave feedback! Oh yeah this is hopefully the last chapter that'll be 1-2 pages long. Im trying to do 3-5. Okk. Byee!

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