Ditch Malik for Ryan

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Chapter 31


"Get off of her!" Alison screamed trying to push through the crowd of paparazzi. "Ali!" I hollered. Every time I'd try to get up from the floor, I get pushed back down. The people continuously asked questions about Zayn, Perrie, and if I was cheating on him or not.

How the hell am I going to get out of this mess? I furrowed my eyebrows. I had the sudden urge to yell at all of them.

"Back up! Move out of the way." A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me out of the large crowd. I sighed with relief.

"Thank you so much, if it wasn't for you I'd probably die of suffocation in there." I dusted off my jeans.

"No problem." I looked up and met another set of blue-green eyes. Holy mother of god. I thought. This kid was unbelievably gorgeous!

"Uh..." I murmured. "I'm--"

"Saige. Zayn Malik's famous girlfriend." The stranger smiled. "I'm Ryan." He introduced himself.

I laughed awkwardly. "Thanks for getting me out of that mess." I sent him a tight lipped smile.

"Oh my goodness!" Allison screeched and ran over to me. She immediately grabbed my face into her hands. "I'm such a bad friend!" She cried. "I'm so sorry for not being able to save you from those demons!"

"Ali." I said through gritted teeth. She was over exaggerating.

"What? Am I not allowed to worry about you? I mean, I know your an adult and all, but-" I cut her short by giving her a stern look and motioning over to Ryan. "Who is this hunk?" Alison's jaw dropped.

"This is Ryan, he helped me get out of the crowd." I said.

"I'm Alison," She spoke nonchalantly. "Nice to meet you, Alison." Ryan stuck out his hand for her to shake.

"Is this your first time in New York?" He asked, his eyes flickering between Alison and I.

"Yeah," I sighed. "We came here for vacation and it's not going to well." I said meekly.

"I happen to know this place by heart. Would you like me to take you guys around?"

"Oh no,"


Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now