Let it Go

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Chapter 5


I called Harry so we could finish our song. I grabbed my guitar and put the strap over my shoulder.

"Ali, I'll be out for a while." I said while grabbing the notebook where I wrote my ideas for the song.

"Leaving me alone again?" Alison pouted.

"I promise we'll have a girls night out." I poked her side.

"We better!" She yelled before I hopped out of the house.

I followed the same path Harry showed me when we wrote it a couple days ago. I sat down and started playing what we had so far.

"Don't let me,

Don't let me,

Don't let me go.

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone."

I softly sang.

"You sing really good." A deep voice said from behind me.

"Thanks, Har--" My voice slowly trailed off when I noticed it was Zayn.

"Thanks." I muttered closing the notebook quickly.

"Why didn't you tell me you sang?" He sat next to me.

My heart was racing. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't reply to his question, I continued packing up.

"Saige," Zayn stopped me. "Are you...avoiding me?" He said slowly.

"Why do you care?" I snapped, not taking a glance at him.

"If your still mad at me from a year ago, I'm really sorry."

"Zayn! That was a year ago, let it go."

"Why can't you let it go! It's obvious that it's still bothering you!" He grabbed my forearm. I could feel the tears coming, but I tried to hold it in.

"Am I in the middle of something?" I heard Harry's familiar voice. I pulled out of Zayn's grip.

"Let's go Harry." I held his hand, leading him out of our spot. I looked over my shoulder looked at Zayn again.

"What happened?" Harry lightly squeezed my hand. "So, where else do you want to write the song?" I plastered on a fake smile. "Saige." He have me a serious face. "He was telling me to get over it. Now let's go." I sadly smiled.

Harry walked next to me with his arm draped over me. "You know you can cry in front of me." He said lowly. "I can't." "What?" Harry looked confused. "I've cried so much, I don't think I can cry anymore." I whispered. Harry hugged me a little tighter.

"Where else do you want to write the song?" I changed the subject. "There's this park down the street." He pointed.

As we were writing the song, I couldn't help but think about Zayn. He even told me to move on. He doesn't even know how hard it is to forget your first love.

"Saige..." Harry waved his hand over my eyes. "Huh? Oh, sorry. Where were we?" I asked. "We're going to write the pre-chorus." "Oh um okay. Do you have any ideas?" I tapped my fingers against the guitar. "How about this, I'll keep my eyes wide open. I'll keep my arms wide open." Harry sang. "Yeah, that's good." I smiled. "I also wrote a small part for the second verse." I handed him the notebook. His eyes began to follow each word I wrote down. "I like that, and if we add this part, it would flow together perfectly." Harry wrote a line of lyrics. "We'll just repeat the chorus and we're done!" I smiled.

Writing this song made me forget about Zayn for a while. It kept my mind off of him. I actually like it. Maybe I should write songs more often.

"It's getting late, I'll see you tomorrow and we can see how the song goes?" I looked up to the sun setting. "Sure, meet me by the fountain at the park." I wrapped my arms around his torso. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" Harry lightly chuckled. "For letting me write this song with you. It helped my get my mind off of things." "Your welcome." He smiled as his arms went around my waist.


"I'm home honey!" I teased. "There's some Chinese food in the fridge if you want." Alison flipped through channels. "So what did you do today?" I asked while getting the food out of the fridge. "Work, as usual." Ali sighed. "Aren't you tired? Why don't you take a break?" "Don't talk while your eating!" Ali laughed. "But yeah, it is tiring. I still love my job though."

I grabbed the small take out box and sat next to her. "What about you? How was your day?" "It was okay." Except that Zayn told me to let it go. "Did you and Harry finish that song?" I nodded smiling. "I think it turned out really good." "Whats it about?" Alison stole a bite of my food. "About a guy or girl missing their loved one." Alison rose an eyebrow at me.

"It's about you and Zayn isn't it?" She sighed. "You want to know what he said to me?" Alison motioned for me to continue. "He told me to forget about what happened a year ago. To move on." I smiled sadly. "He even told me to move on, just like everybody else. Maybe I should just forget about it." Alison stayed quiet. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I walked towards my room.

I stripped off my clothes and slipped on my pajamas. I laid down, staring at the ceiling. How will I move on? It isn't that easy. It's probably the hardest things to do. How did he do it? How do you move on?

I began to think of ways to move on and forget about it. The first thing that popped into my mind was meeting new people.

(A/N) Sorry for not posting last week, I hope your still interested in this story. Im writing more chapters, so theres more to come!

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