Not That Guy

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Chapter 21


"Are you done packing?" Perrie whispered, kissing my shoulder. "I'm going to get started tonight;  I don't have much." I shrugged. "Can you please tell me what's bothering you? You've been so cold lately." She removed her arms from me and hugged her cardigan closer to body. "Don't worry, yeah?" I said.

 "I've just been thinking about things."

"Like what?"


Perrie sighed. "I hate the way you've been acting these past few weeks." She sounded agitated. "It feels like you don't even care what I'm feeling! It feels like you don't even love me anymore." Tears pooled around her eyes. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

"Why?" Perrie's voice became hoarse. "Why don't you love me? Am I not giving you enough love?" She kept asking over and over again. "Please talk to me, I don't want to loose what we have." She begged.

I've never seen her like this. I've never seen her so vulnerable. Still, I felt nothing.

"Zayn, baby-" She held onto my hands, but I slowly pulled away.

"Do you want to know what's bothering me?" I started. I felt like I was going to explode. I can't hide this from Perrie. I can't lead her on.

"I'm tired of hiding all of this shit from you."

"What have you been hiding?" She asked quietly.

"I don't love you." I finally said.

It caught her off guard; she froze.

"I'm sorry, I truly am." I turned my back to her.

"Who." She demanded. "Who are you in love with? What can that person possibly have that I don't?" Perrie bursted into tears. Saying she was upset was an understatement.

"Is it Saige?" She snapped. I stayed quiet. "I fucking knew it!" She screeched. "Your seeing her again?!" I opened my mouth to say something,  but shut it quickly. Might as well let her take her anger our first.

"What did she do? Make you sleep with her?" I rolled my eyes. "Hey, now your just being ridiculous-" "Don't touch me!" She scowled at me. "How dare you see her behind my back!" She continously punched my chest.

"I gave you everything! What more do you need?!" Perrie was hysterical and there was nothing I could do to calm her down. "Was I not there for you? I've been with you through it all and your just throwing that away?!" Once she saw that I wouldn't speak, she scoffed. "Un-fucking-believable!" She screeched.

I held onto her arm until she slapped me. "I can't believe you." She whispered harshly.

I took a deep breath before saying, "You may hate me, but you need to know that sometimes people fall in love, but they aren't meant to be together. I loved you, Perrie. You were all that I could ask for, but I couldn't help but fall for someone else. One day you'll find someone who will love you for your flaws and what's in the inside. I'm just not that guy."

Perrie didn't bother to look into my eyes. If she did, she'd fall apart. I understand that feeling.

"Thank you for giving me everything. Thank you for being there." I said quietly.


"Zayn? What are you doing here?"

After I decided to leave the apartment, I decided to see if Liam would allow me to crash at his place until we leave.

"I need to ask you a favor," I began. "Stating the obvious." Liam said slowly, mocking me. "I need to crash here until we leave for the UK." I finished. "Uh, okay. Is it fine that you sleep on the couch? This is only a one bedroom apartment." He explained. "I'll gladly take it." I sighed happily.

"So, tell me why your here again?" Liam asked as he drank from a water bottle. "I- uh, ended things with Perrie." I explained. "That must be rough for you," Liam sat next to me. "You guys were always attached to each other." Liam laughed silently. "I'll go get you some pillows and blankets." He patted my back and then dissappeared into the hallway.

I was playing with the flower petals as I waited for Liam. I was thinking about how I'd approach Saige again. I was thinking about showing up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with her name on it. But that seemed too overboard. I continued to think of ways until it hit my head.

I grabbed a pen and paper. I first brainstormed about what has happened between us. Then, I kept on jotting some lyrics down. By the end of it, my hands began to hurt. I walked over to Liam's small keyboard and tried to find the rhythm for the song. Once I got everything down,  I decided to see how it would sound like.

"Forgive me, I may have said things..."

Clapping removed me from my stance. "That's a great song, Zayn. I suppose it's for Saige?" Liam smirked.

I nodded slowly. "Do you think she'll like it?"

"She'll treasure it forever, Zayn. Now all you have to do is find a way on how she can hear it."

"Maybe I can do it at the coffee shop? They always have people perform every Friday night." I explained. "Its all up to you, Zayn." Liam said. "Remember,  she's yours."

I hope so, Liam. I hope so.

(A/N) okay, yeah its short. BUT I have a reason! I wanted to right the next chapter right away bc I got excited, and I felt like giving you guys another update.

I love you guys, thanks for your support!

P.S. did any of you see the 5sos reference? oh and do you know what song I chose for Zayn?

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now