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Chapter 20


I used to think that the worst feeling in the world is loosing somebody you love, but I was wrong. The worst feeling is the moment you realized you lost yourself. It feels like my heart is a complete mess. I need to learn how to pick myself up and feel alive again. The thing is, it's hard to do that by yourself.

He made me feel alive.

He gave me the experience of being in love.

He showed me what it's like having a first love.

Zayn did all of this. Now, I feel like I'm pushing him away. I don't want to do that. He is still part of my life, but he doesn't have a huge role in it right now. Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together.

 I don't know what to do or what to feel. All I know is that I'm lost and I can't find myself. You may ask, "Where's the bubbly,  happy Saige?".  My answer to that is that she's locked in a dark corner wanting to break free, but something is stopping her from doing so.

"Saige?" I heard Ali knock softly. "You've been locked up in your room again." She sighed. "Can you just come out and talk to me?" Alison pleaded. "I know I haven't been a good friend to you lately. Throughout the past year, I've been forcing you to forget about him and you weren't ready. I apologize." Her voice became quiet. "Don't shut me out, okay? Let me in; physically and mentally."

Her comment at the end made me smile. So, I opened my bedroom door. "Hi." I hugged my best friend. "It feels like I haven't talked to you in ages." Alison laughed. "Now, do you want to tell me what's going on?" She rose an eyebrow. "I'd rather not talk about it right now. I'll tell you some other time. Besides, we need to have girls night." I smirked.

"So what's your plan, Nichols." I chuckled. "I'm not in the mood to go out today, so I was thinking about having a movie night with smores?" I suggested. I knew Alison agreed with my idea by the way she smiled.


"Why can't I have a man like J Gatsby?" Alison sighed. "Daisy is a blind girl. There's a man who is willing to get her anything, so that he can have her love."

"But Gatsby forced it; you cannot force love." I added.

"If I were Daisy, I would have not take a second glance at Tom." Alison smirked. I laughed at her admiration for J Gastby, Leonardo Dicaprio.

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora