I Promise You

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Chapter 39


"It has to be perfect," I tell Liam. "You can't screw this up. We don't have enough time to mess up anymore."

"I've got this, Zayn. Don't worry," Liam says on the other side of the phone.

"Thanks, update me on everything. Okay?"

"We got you," Liam said before hanging up.

I sigh as I lock my phone and place it onto my nightstand. I go over to the bathroom and run the warm water.

Everything is going to be okay. I tell myself.

I splash the water onto my face and dry myself with a towel.

My heart was beating so fast it scared me. I've never been nervous about anything else in my life.

I stared at the supplies I had in my closet.

It's going to be fine. She'll love it. You'll love it.

I breathed in and out slowly to calm myself. I have to stop overthinking, if I keep on doing that, the whole thing will just turn out a mess. 

To: Saige<3

Come over tonight xx.


"Fuck," I cursed. I stared back at the white dress shirt that had a fainted pink stain, due to the red sock I had accidentally thrown into the washer.

I groaned. This is my only good shirt.

My other option was a black button up, but I feel as if the dark color drains away the happiness feel.

I'd probably look like I was on my way to a funeral.

"Liam!" I whined once he answered his phone.

"What do you need now? We're busy setting it up,"

"I don't have anything to wear." I hear Liam scoff at the other end of the line.

"Seriously?" Liam sighed. "That's what your worrying about?"

"Yes," I whined.

"I'd lend you one of mine, but they must be a big fit on you. Just find something, Zayn. She won't care about your wearing."

"But Liam, this has to be-"

"Perfect. Yeah, we heard you the first time." He laughed. "Calm down. Go get all pretty for tonight."

"Ugh, don't call me that." I said just as I hung up.

Liam's right. I'm freaking out over something so little. It's just a stain.

If I just scrub at it, it'll go away. Badabing, badaboom, I've got this.

I grabbed a bar of soap and a sponge and began scrubbing at the stain.

"Go away please," I sang.

I washed off the soap and looked back at the stain, only to see the fabric ripped apart.

"Fuck me," I groaned.

You're messing it all up, Malik. Everything is now ruined because of you.

I chucked the now pink dress shirt across the bathroom floor.

I guess black will have to do.

I shrugged the shirt on and buttoned it up. Though, I left the top two unbuttoned. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Broken Angel // Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now