Bird Tattoo

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Chapter 9


So, Saige wasn't lying when she said she had a date on Saturday. She really did take my words seriously. I'm not going to lie, but I was a bit jealous. I actually miss her. Holding her,kissing her. I wonder if she remembers the moments we've had together. I smiled remembering the tattoo I had her get on her birthday.


April 3, 2012

"What kind of tattoo should I get?" Saige flipped through the pages. We were here for her eighteenth birthday. I told her I'd pay for her tattoo as a birthday gift. "You should get a bird." I said. "Where?" I pointed to the corner of the back of her hand. "Okay, but I want it meaningful." Saige pouted. "It'll be a symbol of being free. No one can keep you back, holding you from achieving your dreams." I smiled. Saige also smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I like that."

-End of Flashback-

I smiled, as I remembered our memories. Why did I throw it all away? Perrie and Saige are both wonderful girls, but the decision I had between them. To be honest it was really hard. I was torn. I wanted to choose Saige, but then again Perrie had something that attracted me towards her.

I saw Perrie packing up her clothes for tour. She already had one luggage full of clothes. I wrapped my arms around her waist, leaving my head in the crook of her neck. "Do you really have to go now?" I pouted. "It's just two months and a half. If I could live with you going away to tour, you can live with me going away to your." Perrie smirked. "Fine." I huffed before leaving a quick peck on her lips. "When are you leaving?" I sat down. "In two days. Tomorrow I'm having a little party for Little Mix's first tour." She smiled, showing that she was excited for tomorrow. "Are the rest of the girls coming too?" I asked. "Just Jade. The others can't make it." "Oh..." I nodded.

"What about Saige?" I blurted. "I--I mean, are you inviting her?" "Of course!" Perrie zipped up the luggage. "I think she should be the sixth member of Little Mix." Perrie winked. "Yeah, she's really good at singing." I said softly. "I'm going to go grab something to eat. Want to come?" "Sure. I want to spend every second with you before you leave." I smirked. "You're so cheesy. " She giggled.


From: Perrie

Hey! I'm having a party on Tuesday. I was wondering if you could make it? xx

To: Perrie

Sure! Is it okay if I bring a friend along?

Perrie replied with a 'yes'. I didn't really want to go to the party. I bet that I won't know anyone. Then again, I barely have friends. I chuckled at the thought of that.

"Ali!" I yelled from the couch. "What do you want?" Ali growled. Her hair was a mess, she was probably taking a nap. "Damn, sorry. I guess you won't go to the party with me." I mocked her. "What party?" Ali sat next to me. "Perrie's throwing a party on Tuesday, do you want to go with me?" I ate a chip. "Hell yeah! There must be a bunch of famous people there!"Alison squealed. "What if Channing Tatum goes?" She giggled. "I doubt that." I laughed.

"Hey what's that on your hand?" Ali furrowed her eyebrows. I looked down to my right hand, seeing the bird tattoo. I forgotten to cover it with makeup. "Nothing." I hid my hand. "No, it looked like an outline of something." Ali rose an eyebrow. "It's just a pier of lent." I tried to stall her. Ali came up to me and grabbed my arm. "You got a tattoo? Since when!" She yelled.

I sighed. "On my eighteenth birthday." "Why didn't you tell me about this?" "Because, I got it with Zayn. I absolutely hate this tattoo." I frowned. "Tell me the story." Alison sat down by the counter. "Okay, well he offered to pay for my tattoo if I got one. He said it was like a birthday gift." Tears prickled at my eyes.

"Why do you cover it up?" I took a deep breath. "I told you, I absolutely hate it." Okay, maybe I didn't hate the tattoo, but I just hated that every time I looked at it, memories would flood through my mind.

"I'm going to take a quick jog o-okay?" "At two?" Ali laughed. "Maybe just walk around. I need fresh air." I grabbed my phone and walked out.

The cool breeze went through my hair, making it blow against the wind. "Stupid bird." I muttered as I looked at my hand. I rubbed my fingers against the inked skin, hoping that the bird would fade away.

"Saige?" A voice rang through my ears. "Zayn?" I mocked. "Hi." He lowly spoke. I quickly pulled up my sleeve, so that he wouldn't see. Zayn kept looking at my hand, he probably remembers and knows its still there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a bit rudely. "I thought we could catch up, like old friends." "We're not friends." I chuckled. "We can at least try. I know your mad at me, but we can still be friends." I scoffed. "Im gonna go." I got up walking away. "Saige, wait." I turned on my heel. "What?" I snapped. "N-nevermind." Zayn looked down.


I walked down the Marriott. There was a sign saying, 'HALF PRICE ON ICE CREAM.' My eyes widened, as I saw the sign. I occupied myself with the Birthday Cake Remix flavor. "Saige, you saw this sign too?" I turned around seeing Ali. "Yup." I answered.

"Did you just get here?" "N-Nope, I was just w-walking around looking for you." Ali nervously ate her cookie dough ice cream. "Ali." I extended the 'e' sound. "Yeah?" She hesitantly looked up. "You were following me weren't you." I laughed. "Okay, yeah. I saw you and Zayn talking." She sighed.

"What did you guys talk about?" I dodged her question by"Well, it's been a while since I went outside. Work is killing me." Ali huffed. "Can't you quit? I miss hanging out with you." I pouted. "I can't, I don't want to lose this job." Ali said. "Well, your going to go crazy tomorrow." I smirked. "I really do need to loosen up. I'm not that crazy Ali anymore." Alison chuckled.

(A/N) Short and a filler. :/ Sorry~! I had no ideas, so this was the first thing that popped into my head. Oh yeah, Perrie and Zayn are engaged! Yay! They're so cute together. 

I made another cover, but I don't know which one I like better. Do you like the one right now or the one from before? Leave feedback~

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