Chapter 1: First Day Back

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Skylar's Point of view:

Hi there, I'm Skylar Thomson, a normal 18 year old girl and a senior in high school. You might be wondering why I'm 18, it's because my parents held me back in kindergarten. Speaking of parents, I live with my parents, Sarah and Michael, and my younger sister Amanda. I was kind of the black sheep of my family, looking nothing like my parents. I had dirty blonde hair down to my shoulders with light blue eyes and full lips, unlike my dark haired and eyes parents.

Today is my last first day of high school, and I'm meeting my best friends Rachel and Alex at the front door and we'll all go pick up our schedules together. Speaking of friends, they are already waiting for me when I pull into the parking lot, waving and looking like a bunch of idiots. We then greet one another and all walk in together. When your a senior it's pretty obvious who the small freshman are; looking down at there schedules, trying to act confident, or walking in circles trying to find there way.

Mrs. Birmingham runs the scheduling office, and we're actually family friends so outside of school I get to call her Alice. In school, it's Mrs. B. She gives us our schedules and comparing them, we all three have AP Literature together, and then I have genetics with Alex.

1st: AP Government, R Henry

2nd: Calculus AB, C Malthus

3rd: Free Period/Lunch, L Smith

4th: Film Studies, L Williams

5th: Genetics, K Davis

6th: AP Literature, C Brooks

I recognized all of the teachers except for Malthus and Brooks, hopefully they are nice. For the tine being, it's off to AP Government.

The school day consisted of getting syllabuses and learning about our teachers. Turns out my film studies teacher is a lesbian and has a wife. I can already tell that we are going to get along well.
It was now time for AP literature and I was actually excited for this class. I'd always enjoyed English and writing, and if it helped my GPA then I was all for it. I met Alex outside the door and I saw that Rachel was already inside. I didn't see the teacher, only a few students were inside. Rachel, Alex and I all managed to sit next to one another and we're talking absent mindedly when the bell rang. Moments later a young woman walked in, and took the breath out of my throat. She was probably around 5' 7" with dark brown hair, bright green eyes, and full lips. She had fair skin with freckles around her face and was wearing a light blue dress shirt tucked into black dress pants and a belt. Her shirt was rolled up to her elbows and her shoes clicked against the hardwood floor. When she talked, she introduced herself as Ms. Brooks and her voice was angelic, just like her. She had started walking around, passing something out, I'm assuming to be the syllabus. I was to caught up in her beauty to really listen to her.
"Excuse me miss, can you read the next line please?" I exited my trance to see those striking green eyes staring at me with a smirk on her face.
"Um, I'm sorry could you repeat that please" She chuckled, "that's what I thought. Please read bullet point 7 on the syllabus and then pay attention" she briefly touched my shoulder slighting sparks. She must've felt it as well since she stopped talking and we made eye contact, her eyes wide with shock. After a moment she resumed talking and walked away, her ass swaying in the dress pants. I was mesmerized by her beauty.

For the rest of the period I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ms. Brooke and her beauty. I was dying to know what the rest of her first name was; Caroline, Catherine, Chloe, Carrie.
It seemed like when the bell rang the class had only lasted 20 minutes but it had really been 1 1/2 hours. Everyone started to pack up and leave, and I was doing the same. 
"Ms. Thomson could you stay behind please" I looked up and met eyes with Ms. Brooks. I nodded and continued to pack up, slowly making my way to her desk. She stood up and went to close the door, swaying her ass once again.
"Ms. Thomson I can see you visibly checking me out, and while I am flattered you really need to pay attention in order to get a good grade and be successful in this class. Do I make myself clear?" I nodded.
"Yes ma'm, I'm sorry. I'll be sure to listen".
"Okay then" she smiled and stopped talking, giving me a signal to leave. I nodded once more and walked towards the door. Right before closing it I looked back and she quickly looked away, almost like she was looking before.

Catherine Brooks point of view:

This morning started off rough, my two year old daughter refused to go to daycare. She's usually happy to play with her little friends but not today. Like mother like daughter I guess. Let me explain: two and a half years ago I met a girl at a party. I was being a stupid college student who happened to have a dick and enacted to use it. Her name was Stephanie. She was pretty, but nothing like the girl today. Anyway we had a one night stand and she ended up pregnant. She insisted on having the baby, but sadly died during childbirth. Her middle name was Louise so I named our baby girl Thalia Louise Brooks. Now two years later it was just the two of us, me just managing to pay the bills with the help of my parents and great grandma's inheritance.
Today was boring and I didn't get to go any teaching, and since I truly loved teaching I didn't like the first two weeks of school since it was only syllabuses and getting to know one another. Speaking of that, the girl today in my 7th period AP class was beyond beautiful. Even her smile was gorgeous not to mention her angelic voice. She was doing things to me she didn't know she was doing.

After 7th period I packed up my things, since I had to pick up Thalia from daycare. Luckily I just purchased a brand new car. When I walked out of the building I saw the same beautiful girl from today, Skylar, sitting on the curb talking on her phone. I only caught little bits but something about car trouble. When I looked up I saw a silver Acura with smoke coming out of the hood, and the drivers side door open.
When she got off the phone, she looked up and we once again made eye contact.
"Hey" she said.
"Hey". "Need help" she looked at her car and then back at me, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Um, yes please ma'm" I smiled and motioned for her to follow me to my car, only a few down from hers. She got in the passenger seat, and I know she saw the car seat on the back, since it was pink and hard to miss.
"I have somewhere I need to be but then I'll drop you at your house alright" she nodded and twiddled her fingers, looking out the window.
I started diving towards daycare, and then once I got to the daycare I parked the car and excused myself, heading inside. My little angel was coloring with her little friends and when she saw me screamed mommy and ran towards me. I scooped her into my arms. She gave the best hugs.
After getting her Dora the Explorer backpack we walked hand to the car. I opened the door for her, she still hadn't noticed Skylar In the passenger seat.
I started driving, and I could feel Skylars eyes on me. I looked over at her briefly and she looked away quickly, getting the attention of Thalia in the back.
"Mommy do you have a fwiend?"
"Yes sweetheart, this is Skylar". Skylar looked back and Introduced herself, giving Thalia a high five. They then started to talk like they were friends, and I was the 3rd wheel. I finally had to interrupt to ask for directions, since I had no idea where I was going. Turns out she lives in the same neighborhood and the next street over from us.
It was a long goodbye since Thalia was entranced by Skylar and the other way around. I finally had to put my hand on her shoulder, immediately getting her attention. I must've intimidated her since she high fived Thalia and said goodbye, thanking me and exiting the car. She waved one more time before entering her two two story brick home.

Once we got home I took Thalia out of her car seat and carried her inside, her head resting on my shoulder. Once inside I put Thalia to sleep for a nap while I did lesson planning for my 5 classes. It was a peaceful evening, just the two of us, although when I fell asleep I thought about a certain blue eyed beauty.

Thanks for reading the first chapter. Thank you for your suggestions on what to write about, I really appreciate it. See you next time!

- Jane

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