Chapter 35: Progress

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~ 3 month time skip~

Catherine's point of view:

It was now fall, and Skylar enrolled in a local college, only an hour and a half away. She came home on the weekends, both to see Thalia and I, as well as her family. I was doing much better, still on crutches but my leg was doing better. As the weeks progressed I started learning more about myself before the accident. Thalia was doing good as well, she was getting older, making me sad. I wanted more kids now so she would have a sibling..

Today was currently Friday, and Skylar was coming home late tonight. Over the course of the few months Skylar and I had gotten closer, despite the fact that she was at college. We went on dates and spent a lot of time together and with Thalia.

I was currently at Target with my mom and Thalia. Thalia was getting bigger and she needed some new clothes. I needed some more jeans, since I had lost weight because of the accident and I didn't fit anymore in my old ones. Not to mention my member still existed and squeezed against the material. Speaking of which, last week when we had a date, Skylar told me that I wanted to wait for marriage to make love. Finding that out was kind of surprising, since in High school I had a bunch of girlfriends.

The dressing room was open for women so I grabbed a few clothes and went in. One plus of the dressing rooms were the mirrors on three of the four walls. I took off my clothes and glanced up at myself in the mirror. My faint abs are present on my chest, smaller sized breasts, and the bulge in my underwear. I didn't understand why I was made this way in the first place. Why couldn't I be more normal..

When I walked out of the dressing room, I saw mom talking to a young man. He had black hair slicked back with brown eyes and was dressed in jeans and a t- shirt. Handsome but I was taken. Just not officially.

"Catherine, I just met the nicest man, Brett. Brett this is my daughter Catherine and her daughter Thalia" He smiled, calling behind him to the name Joseph. A young boy came running and crashed into the man's legs, hiding behind them. I know because Thalia did the same thing.

"This is my son Joseph-John, or JJ. He's the same age as Thalia"

"Well that's great, Thalia could use a new buddy" I crouched down to JJ's level, outstretching my hand.

"It's nice to meet you JJ. My name is Catherine, Or Ms. Brooks. You can call me either"

"Hi" he said cutely, still hiding behind his father's legs.

"Sorry 'bout that, he gets the shyness from me" Brett scratched his face, then shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Anywho, I just met the pair and invited them over to Ralph's for some food to get to know them better. It's perfect because it's lunchtime" declared mom, looking proud of herself.

"I don't mean to impose or anything but we love Ralph's. His other dad takes JJ there all the time". I liked this guy even more knowing that he was gay.

"It's settled then, we'll meet there in 30 minutes?"

Brett and I nodded and then temporarily parted ways, going separate ways inside the store.

As soon as we stepped into Ralph's,, the smell of fried food evaded my nostrils. Mom led the way over to a table where Brett, JJ and another man sat. The other man was blonde, with a long beard. He wore jeans and a flannel, his hair all tousled and messy. When we got to the table, my phone buzzed in my pocket. When I looked, Skylar was trying to call. I excused myself to talk with her.

"Hey Catherine, I got in a little early and was wondering if you and Thalia wanted to hang out together? I stopped by your house but nobody was home".

"Oh I'm sorry, Thalia, mom and I went shopping. We're currently at Ralph's with another couple and Thalia's soon to be new friend. You're more than welcome to join us here"

" I don't want to impose though, are you sure"

"Yes, I'm positive. Thalia would love to see you, and I wouldn't mind either"

"Alright it's settled. See you in 10".

"Okay bye"

I went back to the table, announcing the news. After that I met Tyler, Brett's partner. We all got to know each other better over the delicious food. Soon Skylar arrived and I introduced her to the new people. She and Brett got along really well, having side conversations while sitting across from one another.

Everyone was having a good time, eating delicious food and getting to know one another. Skylar and I were holding hands under the table while having separate conversations. When we all departed from JJ, Brett, and Tyler, we got their numbers and made a playdate for next Tuesday.

We were currently driving back home, Skylar meeting us there since she drove separately.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I figured no would be a good time"

She looked over and smiled. "Of course sweetheart"

" I was thinking of asking Skylar to be my girlfriend, do you approve?"

"Yes, most definitely. You two are still technically engaged, and I still noticed that you wear your ring. I bet she would love that though. If you need help just ask me, I'm happy to help", wow my mom was the best.

"Thanks mom, I really appreciate it" she reached over and squeezed my hand, smiling.

For the rest of the car ride back home I contemplated how I was going to ask. I decided on a simple gesture, since that's the kind of person Skylar was. I was going to ask her on a date, cook her dinner, and then ask her then. Simple yet elegant. Now I just had to do it.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. It's on the shorter side, but exciting things are coming up! Please comment and/or vote and I'll see you next time

- Jane

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