Chapter 11: Mama

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Catherine's point of view:

Waking up, I'd had the best sleep of my life. I was so warm and comfortable, Skylar's body being like a cloud. Halfway through the night we had switched places, so I was the big spoon. One problem I faced often was morning wood, and this morning was no exception.

"Baby I think your knee is poking me, can you move it please" she mumbled in her sleep. When I looked down my knee was below her legs, it was my dick poking her.

"Shit" I mumbled, sprinting out of the bed and alarming my guest. I beelined towards the bathroom, my hands covering the tent in my pants. I shouldn't have worn sweatpants.

"Catie what's wrong, are you okay" I heard Skylar on the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'm good, just have a little situation" I heard a "OH" so I'm assuming she got what I was taking about.

"do you need any help? Can I get you anything" Yes I thought, but then shook the dirty thoughts out of my head.

"no thanks honey, I'll just take a shower". I heard footsteps move away from the door, so I proceeded to take my shower. Soon enough my problem was gone and I had changed into basketball shorts, and the same shirt as earlier.

When I walked downstairs I heard voices, and assumed they were my girls. I was right. I quietly entered the kitchen from behind, and saw Skylar teaching Thalia how to make something, whisking together ingredients in a bowl. Thalia was standing on a kitchen chair, holding the whisk while Skylar was next to her, one hand on her back to make sure she didn't fall and the other motioning how to do the job. I couldn't help but take a few pictures; moments like this had to be treasured.

I decided to make my presence known by clearing my throat and walking in. Skylar smiled at me while Thalia tried to get off her chair, but was stopped by both myself and Skylar lurching forward.
"What're you guys making" I asked, looking to see tan colored batter in the bowl.

"Supposedly pancakes, but Thalia accidently got the ratios wrong" she said quietly. 

"Nice, blame it on my daughter when you're a terrible cook" she laughed and kissed Thalia's head and motioned for me to come to her. When I did she wrapped her arms around me in a hug which I reciprocated and we just stood there, enjoying the moment.

"Mommy, Mama, pancakes!" I froze. I was mommy, but calling Skylar mama was a new one, and when I looked at Skylar she literally had tears in her eyes.

I kneeled down so I was eye level with Thalia in the chair, reaching for her hand.

"Baby, what did you just Skylar?". I hope she knew that I wasn't mad, just in shock.

"Mama" she said and turned around to hug her. It was then when I broke into happy tears, standing up and going for a group hug.

"Are you alright Catherine" I nodded.

"Yes, I'm just so darn happy right now" she smiled and hugged me closer, Thalia being oblivious to the big moment she created.

After our group hug the two continued to make the pancakes, which turned out better than expected. Thalia had 4 1/2 which was a new record for her. She was a growing girl after all.

Once we got all cleaned up we decided to go outside and play, and since Skylar was so good at soccer she taught both of us some lessons. We were currently scrimmaging, or playing a mini game. It was Thalia and I against Skylar. Obviously were letting Thalia have her way since she dribbled slower and even nutmegged Skylar without trying to. It was hilarious.

We'd all gotten pretty hot and sweaty playing soccer so once we were done I suggested we go into the pool. The best part of buying this house was that it had a small rectangular pool in the backyard. It wasn't very deep, but since Thalia was the age she was it worked out great.

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