Chapter 4: Love or Lust?

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Skylar's point of view:

The next day happened to be a Sunday, much to my relief. That way I had some time to figure out my feelings for Catherine before seeing her at school. That kiss was mind blowing and absolutely the best (and only) kiss I've ever had. Not to mention her not so little friend poking me down there, let's just say she wasn't kidding on her size.

I decided to go for a run to take my thoughts away from the brunette beauty. I put on my short shorts and tank top, putting in my earbuds and put my hair into a ponytail.

Once I started running I knew I had made the right decision to do so. It was like my mind went on vacation and I only focused on the beat of the music and the thumping of my feet. I happened to open my eyes for a short bit and saw someone in their garage weightlifting. Deciding to slow down I let my body cool off as I saw the person lift the heavy weight, muscles flexing and the bulge in their pants becoming more pronounced. Normally I'd be disgusted seeing that but for some reason I wasn't, instead it was drawing me in. I decided to take a closer look and investigate the mysterious person.

Light music was playing in the background, and grunts could be heard from the person. I hid behind a tree in the front yard, trying not to look like a creeper. When the person sat up, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Catherine. I swear I'd never been so attracted to a person who was sweaty, in a sports bra and shorts and her hair in a ponytail. Plus her muscles were a bonus. I had to get away before she noticed me and before she started asking questions about who was around the tree. I heard a door close and when I looked I didn't see her so I decided to make a run for it.

"Skylar?". Damn it. I turned around to see Catherine looking at me while holding Thalia's hand.

"Skywar" she ran and attacked my legs, asking to then be picked up. I did so and looked back at her curious mother. All that I could think about was kissing her delightful lips and seeing the bulge in her shorts.

"Done checking me out yet" she asked with a smirk. I looked up and she started walking closer.

"I just finished my workout, do you want to come inside?" Thalia let her opinion be known by punching my boob.

"Um, sure, thanks" I readjusted Thalia in my arms and followed Catherine into the house, looking at her firm butt on the way.

"I can feel you staring at me" Catherine stated, but I swear she started swaying her hips more afterwards.

When we got inside I placed Thalia next to her toys and followed Catherine into the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water and offered me one, which I accepted. When I looked at her there were beads of sweat coming off of her face and her cheeks were pink, but nonetheless beautiful.

"well if you don't mind watching Thalia then I'm going to go shower. I feel disgusting" she peeled off her shirt, showing the faint outline of a 6 pack, literally making me drool.

"careful, don't let the drool slip". I looked to see her laughing at her own joke. When she turned around I chased after her, whisking her into my arms and making her squeal.

"You know" I whispered, "If you need any help showering, I'm sure Thalia can watch after herself for 10 minutes, well, maybe 15 if you know what I mean" I kissed right below her left ear and then loosened my grip on her. When she turned around her cheeks were even more flushed.

"As much as I enjoy that offer, I think I'd better fly solo on this one Sky" she kissed my lips lightly, butterflies erupting in my stomach. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as mine went around her waist, pulling our bodies together. It was a sweet and slow kiss, no tongue or desperation. It was perfect, just like she was.

Too soon for my liking she disconnected our lips, giving me one last peck before walking away, making me want more from her. I guess she liked me back, despite being my English teacher.

While Catherine was showering I played Lego Duplo's with Thalia, enjoying the time I spent with the toddler.

"Hey Skylar can you come here please". I stood up and walked around until I found Catherine trying to reach a box at the top shelf of her closet. Since I was taller I was easily able to reach it, pressing my front into her back. She turned and said a small thanks, pecking my cheek before walking to her bedroom. That's when I noticed what she was wearing, or not wearing.
Catherine was sitting on her bed in a bra and boxers, the tight ones where you could see the outline of her member. And let me tell you she really is big. I decided that she must be feeling something since she didn't kiss me on my lips, so I went over and sat next to her on the bed. She looked up and had a sad look on her face.

"I never told you about Thalia before. She was the result of a one night stand, Stephanie, who died giving birth to her. I was actually pretty crazy about her even before I knew she was pregnant with my child, and when I did, it just added fuel to the fire. So now I'm a single mother to a toddler. I'm giving you an out if you want to". I was shocked by her words. I had no idea that's what the story was, but no way I wanted an out.

"Catherine, look at me" she looked up teary eyed.

"There's no way that I want an out, I'm in this for the long haul. I meant it when I said that I was crazy about you, and I love spending time with you and Thalia. It's a bonus that you have a dick and a child, I don't know how I got some gosh darn lucky in the first place".

"Are you sure Sky, Thalia's the most important person in my life and I can't abandon her just for a new relationship, especially one with my student" she looked lost in thought. I reached up and cupped her face, kissing her lightly. She took a moment before kissing back, but once she did our lips fit perfectly together. I knew that we'd be a great couple, I just had to convince her of it. And I had a plan.

I stayed in the room while Catherine got dressed, although I couldn't help but stare at her bulge. She had to be at least 8 1/2 inches, if not more.

"Hey Catherine, I have a question" she looked up.

"At school, how do you keep from your bulge showing? Cause it's pretty noticeable otherwise".
She gave me her melodic laugh before walking towards me and wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

"Well, let's just say I wear two pairs of extra compression boxers. But it's hard to stay hidden around you since you're so damn beautiful" she kissed me.

"Best *kiss* answer *kiss* ever *kiss*" We both laughed and kissed again.
"Ugh I can't believe that I kissed my student, and I liked it as well, I'm seriously the worst teacher ever".

"No you're the best, although I can't speak to you liking when we kiss". She looked at me and smiled, shaking her head in amusement.

After our little chat she let me shower and then we cuddled on the couch while Thalia had a dance party, and we'd occasionally join it. It was a perfect afternoon, and I knew that I wouldn't get tired of hanging out with my girls.

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- Jane

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