Chapter 36: The Dinner

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Catherine's point of view:

Two days ago I asked Skylar on a date, which she accepted. Today was the day that I was going to ask her to be my official girlfriend, and I was nervous as heck. Speaking of which, we were having the dinner at our old house, which I prepared with romantic music, lighting, candles, and a homemade meal of spaghetti, salad, breadsticks, and then cheesecake for dessert. I was currently getting ready, debating on what to wear. I finally decided on tight black pants (not leather though), a floral blue and pink shirt, my hair down and slightly curled, and then light makeup.

I had just finished lighting cables when then the doorbell rang. I hobbled over and opened the door to a beautiful sight. There stood Skylar, wearing a maroon red dress with a plunging neckline and heels, her hair down and wearing makeup. Let's just say my buddy definitely liked her in that dress :)

I led her over to the table, bringing her seat out for her and then pushing it back in. The food smelled delightful if I do say so myself, and Skylar seemed to agree.

"What's the occasion Catherine, this is all so fancy and nice" I smiled, happy to hear her happy.

"I just wanted to make this special for you and I, to mention spending some needed time alone together" She laughed.


I sat down across from her and told her to dig in. She certainly had an appetite. Now I just need to remember that..

Throughout the dinner I couldn't help but stare at her and her beauty. I mean she's always beautiful in my opinion but in that dress and with the light makeup, she's like my dream girl. I can't believe I ever let her go in the first place.

After eating I cleared our plates and told her to just relax on the couch. I had light music playing in the background, adding to the romantic ambiance.

I decided to sit next to her, staying close in case I wanted to make a move.

"Skylar, I would like to apologize for breaking up with you earlier. I was completely wrong about not needing and loving having you in mine and Thalia's life and that wasn't fair to either of you. I hope you'll forgive me."

"Of course Cat. I knew you were hurting and confused about not remembering who I was, and I understand that you needed some time. I was just hurt that I didn't get to see you. You're forgiven" She grabbed my hand in hers and squeezed it softly. Butterflies rose in my stomach from the gesture.

"Thank you, that really means a lot to me. Which is why I want to ask if you'd like to be my official girlfriend again?" I couldn't make eye contact since I was too afraid she'd reject me.

I felt a warm hand grab my chin, lifting my head up so that we were making eye contact.

"Hey, I'd love that, so much. Don't be afraid to look at me, you have beautiful eyes that I love very much" I couldn't help but blush, she was so sweet.

"Thank you, that means a lot coming from you" I leaned forward to kiss her cheek, lingering slightly.

"Hey, you missed" I looked at her. She just smiled and pointed to her lips. Her delicious, plump lips...

"Oh, if you insist" I joke, leaning forward again, her doing the same. I closed my eyes, not even scared about the fact that I was kissing my new girlfriend. And I'll just say it was freaking amazing the moment our lips met. It was like two peas in a pod, fireworks, and the satisfaction of two puzzle pieces going together at the same time. Our lips fit perfectly together, and she brought her hand up so it was cupping my cheek. Unlike men in the past her lips were soft and inviting, making me want to kiss them forever.

Finally we broke apart when air became a problem, both catching our breaths and breathing the same air.

"That was freaking amazing" she said, causing me to blush.

"It was sweetheart" I half joked back, half being serious with her pet name. It suited her.

"Now what" I asked, a little bit of awkwardness emerging.

"Do you want to watch a movie and hold hands, maybe make out occasionally?" Damn it's like she read my mind.

"That sounds perfect".

And so we watched another movie, holding hands and basically on top of one another. She was leaning against the couch while I was between her legs, her arms wrapped around my front. We ended up watching Pitch Perfect, while occasionally (like 4 times lol) having a little makeout session due to her irresistible lips.

When the clock hit eleven I knew the date was over. I had one last trick up my sleeve, especially since I didn't want to leave her yet.

"Hey Skylar?" She turned towards me, her jacket halfway on.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a little outing with Thalia and I next weekend? You'd have to miss a day of classes, so I understand if you don't or can't go. Anyway, we're going camping in the mountains and it's an annual thing we do in our family. Would you like to come?" I Immediately got a smile and a nod.

"Yes, I'd love to Catherine, thank you for inviting me" she came closer and hugged me. Since I was taller I leaned my head on the top of hers.

"Great, I'll send you some more information about it, I'm really glad you can come" I replied, completely genuine.

"Me too" this time she pecked my lips. Knowing the both of us that soon turned into a short make out session, until air became an issue once more. Stupid breathing, I swear I could kiss her any time and anyplace forever.

I ended up walking her to her car, and after a hug and a long kiss, we parted ways. I couldn't wait for next weekend, that's for sure.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it, the next one will be a good one as well :). Please comment and vote and I'll see you next time.

- Jane

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