Chapter 18: Thalia's Birthday

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Catherine's point of view:

Today was April 8th, also known as Thalia's Birthday. I couldn't believe that my baby girl was already 3 years old, time really does fly. Skylar and I have been planning a little birthday party with a few of her closest friends and my parents. They'd be coming over around noon. Thalia didn't realize yet how lucky she was to have her birthday on a saturday this year. Skylar slept over once again since it was the weekend and her mom allowed her to.

I was currently drinking my coffee while watching Thalia and Skylar make Thalia's birthday breakfast, consisting of smiley face blueberry pancakes.
"Mama my turn" I looked up in time to see Thalia grabbing the spatula and plunging it into the batter, making a mess of course. It was amusing to see the two work together, since their personalities were so different. I couldn't help but take a picture or two, especially when Skylar got batter on her face and was looking adorable.
The pancakes turned out better than I expected, and soon the three of us were sitting down and eating a somewhat delicious breakfast.

Last night Skylar and I were talking and decided to give Thalia her present before her party when my parents arrived, so nobody would get jealous or anything. My parents should be arriving in about an hour.

When breakfast was over Thalia and Skylar went upstairs to take a bath while I cleaned up, nothing a little 409 couldn't do. When I was done I went upstairs myself to get changed into jeans and a flannel, going for comfort over fashion. I could hear Thalia laughing in the bathroom which made me smile knowing how great Skylar is with her.
"Babe" She poked her head out the door.
"Can you come in here please, there's a bit of a situation" I nodded and scurried in the room only to be covered in bubbles and water by my girlfriend. While I was partially mortified about the mess, the other two were cracking up, Thalia being naked.
"Wow, so that's how you want to go huh" I put on my scary face to intimidate them, which worked since they both stopped laughing and looked scared. I wanted to laugh myself but instead walked over to the bucket and grabbed Thalia, placing her neatly in her towel and putting the bucket in the sink. Then I turned to my mortified looking girlfriend, who had a sorry look plastered on her face. I reached to get the bucket from the sink, changing my mind. Then with the remaining water from the tub I filled up the bucket. Skylar seemed to catch on and when she tried to escape the room she noticed how I locked the door, making her turn around which gave me extra time.
"Sorry babe" I poured the bucket over her head, causing her to gasp while Thalia and I just laughed. A now soaked Skylar turned around with a playful and evil look in her eyes, not a good combination.
"Oh you're going to get it" she yelled and chased after me. Let me just say that the bathroom is small and I ended up falling into the bathtub, taking her with me. Her knee went straight into my crotch, elighting pain immediately from my member.
"Oh shoot I'm sorry baby are you okay" she was still on top of me, while my entire backside was underwater.
"Swimmingly babe" I joked, trying to lighten the mood. We both seemed to notice the position we were in currently and the mood turned sexual real fast.
"Mommy, Mama" Thalia broke the almost kiss and caused Skylar to get out of the tub, pulling me along with her.
"Okay, the fun is over. Now I need to shower myself" I grabbed a towel and started to strip. As soon as I took off my shirt I could feel Skyalr's eyes on me, and when I looked at her all I could see was a combination of lust and love.
"Can I join Catherine?" I looked up and saw that she was serious.
"Once we take care of Thalia, then yes" she smiled and picked up Thalia, taking her to her room. Still without my shirt on I started mopping up the water on the floor. I drained the tub and started the shower with fresh, warm water while waiting for Skylar.
The door opened and we made eye contact.
"Thalia's dressed and playing flappy bird on my phone" she peeled off her shirt and came closer to me, kissing me with passion. I reciprocated and held onto her toned stomach while she stripped herself from her pj shorts and socks. When it was my turn to strip Skylar seemed to understand my hesitancy and we made eye contact while I took off my socks and pants. From our little encounter earlier I was partially hard, but I knew she wouldn't care.
"It's okay Catherine, you can shower in your boxers if you're more comfortable" this time I shook my head and reached down to take off my boxers, freeing my semi hard member. We kept eye contact while she led me into the shower. It wasn't lust filled or fast, instead we took time washing one another's bodies while giving the occasional kiss. From the care and love I experienced from Skylar, I couldn't help but to get fully hard, and then accidentally poking her. She didn't seem to mind. In fact she moaned and brought our bodies closer together so that our breasts were molded together and my dick was squished in between our bodies. She kissed me lightly, taking her time. I reciprocated and extended my tongue, asking for permission which she granted. We stayed kissing for a while, enjoying each other's bodies and our alone time together until there was a knock on the door.
"Catherine Elizabeth, are you in there? Your father and I are here and Thalia wants to open her presents' ' I released Skyalr's lips from my own, wide eyed.
"Yea mom we'll be right out, get the presents ready please" Skylar was kissing my neck and sucking while I spoke. I could hear my mother's loud footsteps move away from the door and I focused my attention on my girlfriend.
"Babe we have to go now," she nodded and kissed me one last time before stepping out and turning off the shower. She grabbed a towel for me first and then one for herself, wrapping it around her body and squeezing the excess water from her hair. She looked beautiful even in just a towel.
Once we changed we both went outside and mom was smirking at us. We proceeded to open presents which mainly consisted of Barbie, polly pockets, and dolls. My little girl was spoiled.
Her friends Meredith, William, Sarah, and Austin came over shortly afterwards, and for the rest of the afternoon played in the backyard until they literally fell asleep.

After everyone had left, Thalia was still asleep so Skylar and I cleaned up and then snuggled on the couch together.
"Hey Sky" she looked down at me.
"Would you ever consider getting married one day in the future?" After speaking she sat up fully and held my hands.
"I'd love to Catherine, nothing would make me happier" she smiled and squeezed my hand. I just smiled and nodded, leaning back on the couch and thinking about our future. I couldn't wait. 

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote and I'll see you next time!
- Jane

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