Chapter 40: Moving Day

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Skylar's point of view:

*Time skip 2 months*

After Catherine and I's magical night camping, everything seemed to speed up from there. About a week after we got back we met with a realtor, Meghan, who showed us around town. On the third day, we found our dream house. It was a 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bath, with a backyard that had an oval shaped pool, a two car garage, and a gigantic playroom. Despite it being on the pricier side, everything about it was perfect. After that, we packed up boxes from our own places and tomorrow was the big day. Tonight, we rested.

Currently I was at Catherine's place, watching Cinderella with my two favorite girls. Thalia was curled up in the middle of us, sucking her thumb and using the two of us as a head and foot rest. I got the cute end, which meant that I didn't have to deal with being farted on and so close to the face. But that's what Catherine gets when we order in Mexican for dinner. The tv had already been packed, so we were using my laptop that was resting on top of a box to watch. Needless to say I was really looking forward to moving into our new place. We had been planning to move previously, but after the accident and breaking up, we made the executive decision to move in together once and for all. Well, until I left for college.

Speaking of which, it was now the beginning of July, which meant in about 2 months I would be moving again, this time into a dorm room. I'd already "matched" with a roommate, Julia. She lived in the next town over, and had a similar family to mine. While I was somewhat excited to be going to college, I also didn't want to leave my two girls. It wasn't a far trip from them, and if I wasn't busy I could come down for the weekend. Catherine was still working, while Thalia was in school. In order to support my little family I got two mini jobs. The first was coaching the girls middle school soccer team. And then on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, I worked at Joey's Restaurant. It was a family style place and I made decent money. Not as much as Catherine, but I loved how supportive she was being with me getting the jobs and wanting to support us.

The movie was about to end, and looking over Thalia was asleep and Catherine was on the brink of sleep. I leaned forward to turn the movie off. First order of business was carrying Thalia upstairs and getting her ready for bed. Easier said than done, I might add. She's a really heavy sleeper so when I tried to wake her up so she could go to the bathroom and brush her teeth, she kicked me. Right in the boob.

When I finally got her tucked in, I went back downstairs to find a now sleeping Catherine on the couch. She was much easier to wake up, and within 10 minutes was out cold again, this time, on the bed. Once my two princesses were asleep, I closed down everything downstairs before doing my night routine and getting into bed. It didn't take long before dreamland took over.

Ever since practically moving in with Thalia and Catherine, I've learned of some good and bad ways to wake up. The best, being snuggle time or kisses. The worst. Well, I have another one to put on the list. I was lying on my back, when something warm licked my face, from chin to forehead. My eyes immediately opened, the culprit standing over me smiling. Catherine was still asleep, but after getting licked first thing in the morning, I was wide awake. Looking at the time, we had about an hour until the moving vans would arrive, so I needed to wake up and rally the troops. Wish me luck.

It was a few minutes until 9:30, and the moving vans would be here any minute. After a breakfast of cupped oatmeal and a banana each, I think we were all ready to move on with our day (he he, get it :)). Thalia was at the age where her being "helpful" wasn't actually helpful. We had asked Catherine's parents to watch Thalia for the majority of the day, so we could move without having to take care of her. They'd be here any second, so in the meantime, we were occupying Thalia by carrying Catherine's purse and putting it in the car. It was a win-win for both parties, and Thalia was oblivious to not being needed for "adult time" as we'd say.

10 minutes later Catherine's parents showed up, and after a quick goodbye (from me, it took Catherine longer) the three of them were off and now it was just Catherine and I doing the finishing touches of packing. The moving van was due to arrive any second, but since we were done packing, we snuggled and rested our eyes on the couch. My arms were around Catherine's shoulders, as she rested her head against my chest. We didn't talk, enjoying the silence before the chaos. Since we were moving from two places into one, the previous few days I brought over my things to Catherine's house, so that the movers didn't need to go to both places. It was mostly clothes, books, my laptop, and other personal belongings. My furniture would remain at my parents house.

When the movers finally arrived, there were 9 of them. We interacted a bit, before they started loading in furniture while Catherine and I loaded some boxes of less important things (books, clothes, toys) into our two cars. It took about 2 ½ hours in total, until the moving van was pulling away while Catherine said one last goodbye to our old house. While the house held a sentimental value to me, it wasn't as much to me as it was to Catherine. She had practically raised Thalia by herself in the house, and it's harder to raise a younger child rather than an older one.

We said our goodbyes and then departed in our cars, meeting at the new house. Catherine had a larger car than I did, so she took more boxes while I took odds and ends of things that we couldn't fit in boxes or the moving van.

About 15 minutes later I pulled in front of our new house. It was around noon, with the sun being at its strongest against us moving boxes and walking around. Catherine pulled up a minute behind me, waving in the mirror. The movers had already started opening the back and getting out furniture.

It was now 4:32, and I was utterly exhausted. Amazingly, Catherine was still going, but had gone through at least 3 plastic water bottles. All I wanted to do was shower (with or without Catherine) and then sleep in our new home. Catherine had talked with her parents a few hours earlier and Thalia was going to stay the night there, to let us settle in a bit more. I was thankful, we'd brought everything inside, but now had to unpack the boxes. There were a lot of boxes, filled to the brim.

I was lost in my thoughts until I felt a kiss on my cheek and a head resting on my shoulder.

"I'm fucking exhausted. I don't know about you but I just want to shower and relax. We can unpack tomorrow and the next few days" complained Catherine, causing me to smile. Since I've gotten to know her, I've learned that she isn't a complainer.

I kissed her head. "I agree baby".

The movers left 45 minutes later to Catherine asleep on my shoulder. Luckily my wallet was in my pocket so I pulled out some cash to give as a tip. After they left, the next task was to wake up Catherine and take a shower. Being the amazing person that she is, Catherine packed a bottle of shampoo and body wash in her purse, so we could shower without having to search an hour through various boxes.

Despite not working out frequently, I picked up Catherine bridal style and carried her to the new master bathroom. I hadn't spent much time in the house, but so far my favorite room of the house was the master bathroom. It had a spacious shower, nice tub, double sink and plenty of storage.

I decided that a bath would be easiest, so while I stated the water Catherine got undressed. We only had one towel to share between the two of us, but luckily each had a clean pair of clothes that we'd packed in the car. Once the water was warm, Catherine stepped in and laid against the cool surface, eyes partly closed. I joined her, leaning my back against her front. We were both too tired for any funny business to occur, although I couldn't help but feel Catherine's semi-hard member against my butt and lower back.

After we got out, we collapsed on the newly made bed (courtesy of Catherine) and fell asleep almost instantly, wrapped in one another's arms.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. I apologize for the long time period in between posting. It was also shorter than other chapters, but the next one will be longer and hopefully more exciting. Please comment and/or vote and I'll see you soon!


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