Chapter 49: Unwelcome Surprise

978 32 4

Catherine's point of view:

*6 ½ month time skip*

I had just finished another day teaching at the high school. Since it was December, it was beginning to get dark around 5:30, so I knew I needed to get home. Despite being heavily pregnant, Skylar insisted on picking up Thalia and walking her home from the bus stop. That was a couple of hours ago.

When my coat was on, I walked out to the parking lot, the frigid wind howling against my body. I tucked my head down, picking up the pace. When I got to my car I threw my bag in the passenger seat and started the car, turning the heat up almost all the way. I waited a minute to warm up before driving away, turning out of the parking lot. Light Christmas music was playing in the background as I drove on the backroads towards home.

On my route to and from school there was a singular intersection that took forever to turn. I knew it'd be a minute or two before it turned green, so I rubbed my hands together and adjusted the air flow in the car.

"Catherine" I screamed and spun around, facing James sitting in the backseat.

"The fuck are you doing in my car" I put the car in park since there were no other cars around. When I turned back around James was fiddling with his hands, looking at the ground.

"I-I know this probably isn't the best way to do this, but I wanted to apologize for my past behavior. Right after the last incident I was put on bail and did a couple of months in rehab. I actually met a woman there, Nicole. She has a mental illness as well and we've really bonded. I got dismissed last week from the place and now I'm back apologizing to the people that I treated wrongly. So, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry. The electric shock treatment and yoga really taught me that there are better and healthier ways of expressing emotions. So I asked Nicole to marry me, and we're moving to Arizona next month to live with her parents."

"Um, well, thank you James, that's very honorable of you. I don't appreciate you breaking and scaring the daylights out of me, but I appreciate the gesture of apologizing." I didn't know what else to say, since I wasn't completely sure of his current mental state.

"OH! I brought you something. Well, Nicole helped me make it but it's for you and your family" He handed me a card and a little box. The inside of the card was a nice message and a picture of James and I'm assuming Nicole. Then when I opened the box there was a singular red apple. I looked at him in confusion.

"You've always been an amazing teacher, and I almost ruined your career for you. So I went to the farmer's market and picked out the reddest and best looking apple. It won't last forever, but I won't be there to cause any bruises or damage to it." I smiled and thanked him. It was a thoughtful gesture.

"Also, I don't have a car so could you please save me a couple of dollars and drive me back to Nicole's sister's house. It's in Nightingale court, right down this street." I nodded and right then the light turned green, allowing me to proceed down the dark road. He gave me the address and soon he was walking into the single story house, an older woman greeting him and waving a thank you to me.

I was lost in my thoughts on the way home. Before I knew it I had pulled in the driveway and then proceeded to the front door.

When I stepped in the warm house, I immediately smiled. It smelled like homemade cooking, and there was holiday music playing. Once I took off my shoes and jacket I walked into the kitchen, seeing both my girls playing Lego Friends. Skylar saw me first, and got Thalia's attention. After hugging Thalia I helped Skylar up (she was 7 ¼ months pregnant) and then proceeded to the kitchen.

Turns out Skylar had made one of my favorite meals for dinner, chicken pot pie. After eating I insisted on cleaning while Skylar rested. She has been working so hard doing online college and taking care of Thalia.

Then per Thalia's request, we watched Home Alone, one of my favorite Christmas movies. None of us lasted long, but it was a Friday night so I ended up carrying both of my girls to their rooms. I'd just have to tell Skylar about James and the car tomorrow.

The next morning was Saturday, and Thalia was at the age where she didn't wake up ungodly early anymore. Now, it was 8-8:30 when I heard her padding down the hallway and what I'm assuming to the living room to watch Disney.

I figured that I could get a small workout in before the day started, so I got up and changed into sweat pants and a shirt. After greeting Thalia and kissing her forehead, I ate a banana and breakfast bar before going into the garage. One disadvantage of the garage was that it wasn't heated, so the freezing air woke me up immediately. Nonetheless, I proceeded to stretch, bench-lift, and then run on the treadmill. I hadn't noticed that it was 10:00 until Thalia came running out, covered in head to toe with warm clothing. She mentioned something about wanting to play outside, but I was still recovering from working out and catching my breath. I followed her inside and greeted my wife, who was eating oatmeal, juice, and apples while looking at her phone. I bent down and kissed her lips, earning a hum from her. One thing I've noticed about Skylar's pregnancy is that the cravings for food and sex have not gone away. Even being so late in the pregnancy.

With our permission Thalia went into the backyard, promising to stay where we could see her through the glass. The pool was covered so there was no fear of her falling in or anything.

With the alone time we had without Thalia present, I took the time to tell her about last night. At first she was shocked, but then when I showed her the card and the apple she started tearing up slightly. I thought she despised the man yet here she was crying. I don't get hormones.

"T-that's so sweet. He really seemed to have turned a c-c-corner" she sobbed. She read the card again, this time grabbing my hand and resting it on her thigh.

"Baby, he's not worth the tears, I promise you. How about I bring Thalia inside, and then the four of us watch a movie. I'm thinking of Frozen.

Somehow neither of seemed to remember how stubborn Thalia is. We ended up all three (plus the baby) playing outside. It wasn't until Skylar mentioned hot chocolate before we were able to get back in the warmth. I knew that I needed to shower after working out, so we ended up having a family shower to warm us all up. Let's just say seeing my naked, pregnant wife made me excited, yet our daughter was with us so I had Sky stand in the middle in order to hide my boner. Luckily Thalia was too busy singing with Skylar to notice, or at least she never mentioned it.

Unfortunately being a teacher meant that there were lots of grading to do. I only ended up getting interrupted once when there was a loud crash and I rushed to the kitchen. Skylar dropped a pot she was going to use to make chicken noodle soup.

Before I knew it I had finished grading. When I looked at the time, it was 5:48 and that's when the tiredness kicked in. We ended up eating Sky's delicious soup and bread, and then decided to watch Frozen since we didn't earlier.

So that's what we ended up doing. Watching Frozen while eating half burnt popcorn (oops) and snuggling. When Thalia fell asleep, Sky managed to give me a hand job. It wasn't until Henley the dog started whining for her "dessert" that we had to stop. Then due to pure exhaustion we both fell asleep in one another's arms.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter and staying with me through writing the book. The next chapter will be the last one, followed by the epilogue. I already have an idea for the next book, but most likely going to write it all or at least most of it before publishing it. Therefore it will hopefully follow more of a schedule. Thank you guys so much, and please like and/or comment!


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