Chapter 45: Day at the Lake

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Skylar's point of view:

The next morning I woke up too early for my liking. A little stream of sunlight flooded the bedroom, right into my eyes. Despite sleeping on Catherine's bony body, that was hands down one of the best sleeps I'd ever had. I just wish it could last longer. Deciding to fix the problem, I glanced up at Catherine, who was still asleep, her bare chest on full display. I won't lie, the sight of her perky nipples had me a bit horny, but I knew we'd have plenty of time for that later. I got up, and pulled down the shade of the window, butt naked. I'd never been to this property, but our family's house is very secluded so I assumed this one would be as well.

"Sky, baby, come back" looking back at Catherine, she was in the same position but both of her arms were searching the bed for me. She looked gorgeous, and not just because she was nude. Her hair was sprawled on the pillow like an angel, and her tanned skin complemented the light blue of the walls. I couldn't believe she was mine.

"Where are you?", three seconds later "Skylarrrr". Okay I think I'd better get back now. As soon as she felt my presence, Catherine moved closer to me and wrapped her strong arms around my body, her head tucked into my neck. I kissed her hair, snuggling since I couldn't fall back asleep. Stupid sunlight.

We spent at least another hour snuggling in bed. I think Catherine even fell asleep at one point, her heavy breathing warm against my body. Since she was still sleeping, I decided to make breakfast. Since our suitcases were still in the foyer, I looked in the closet in hopes of a robe or something. To my luck there were two light green fuzzy robes, so I took one and wrapped it around my nude body.

It was dark when we got here last night so I didn't get a good look around. When I stepped out of the master bedroom, there was a long hallway which ironically had a light at the end of it, where there was an opening. Following the light, I walked into the beautiful living room, decorated with a modern yet rustic finish. When I walked around the corner, a modern kitchen was practically begging to be cooked in. I found eggs and bacon, deciding on a classic lumberjack style breakfast.

30 minutes later I loaded the scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, fruit salad, jelly toast, and apple juice on a tray and headed back to the master bedroom.

When I opened the door, Catherine was still asleep, tucked in a ball underneath the covers. I set the tray on the side table, getting into behind my wife and kissing her neck to wake her. After a little stirring, I got eye contact and a playful glare. To brighten her mood I bent down to kiss her lips, which she reciprocated immediately. We ended up kissing for a couple of minutes before I remembered the warm breakfast 2 feet away from us. Reluctantly I retracted, reaching for the tray and setting it on the bed in front of us.

"Baby, that's so thoughtful of you, thank you" she pecked my lips before taking a piece of bacon and eating it. Shortly afterwards we started eating while talking about the upcoming days. She wanted to read by the beach and fish, whereas I wanted to hike and do various water activities. We compromised today on it being a relaxing day by the beach where she could fish and read and I could swim and kayak. Despite our families being so close by, it was a private beach so if we wanted we could get naughty.

After we finished breakfast we decided to get changed into our suits and head down to the water. Now, me being me I don't get distracted easily. Catherine on the other hand, was the opposite. In the middle of getting changed she decided she wanted to finish the chapter she was on in her book. So when I came out of the bathroom, her swim trunks were on but was naked from the waist up, head in her book. Luckily I had my phone, so now I have a leg up on her if we get in an argument. I don't even know if she noticed me coming out until the snap of my phone caused her head to snap up, eyes widening.

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