Chapter 22: Graduation

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Skylar's point of view:

~2 Month time skip~

Today was the day that I was graduating from Millview high school. Catherine was fully recovered physically, but mentlly not so much. She hadn't told me or even the police what he had done to her or how she escaped, although from the bruises and scars littered on her body it didn't give any of us hope. There was no update on James, he went fully off the radar. I knew the police were still looking for him but weren't having any leads.

I was currently at home, getting changed into my graduation gown over top of my light blue sundress. My hair was slightly curled and I put on minimal makeup. I don't usually put on makeup but I knew that we'd be taking a lot of pictures today so I sucked it up.
Graduation started at 2 p.m and I was meeting Rachel and Alex there for pictures and just to spend time with them before leaving. Speaking of which, I was going to Miami University and majoring in nursing, hopefully becoming a pediatrician one day. The university was an hour and a half away from home, so Catherine and Thalia could easily visit me on a day trip. I didn't want to be away from them but I knew I needed to further my education and get a job to support myself and later Catherine and Thalia. That's right, it had been over a year since I met the two, and next year I was planning on proposing to Catherine. I was in the planning stage right now. I hadn't even asked Mr. Brooks for permission yet, the only people who knew were Alex, Rachel, and mom. But that's something to worry about another day. Today I was graduating high school.

My family drove to the school together in order to take more pictures as a family. I had made sure that my mom had brought tissues since she was the sensitive type and I knew she was going to cry.
When we pulled up to the school all the students and some faculty were out front, waiting for the ceremony to begin. I joined Alex, Alex's girlfriend Michelle, Rachel, and her boyfriend Peter. Luckily I got along with both Peter and Michelle, since it would be bad if I didn't. Alex was going to Miami University as well, studying environmental science and minoring in biology. She loved all things science. Rachel was going to South Carolina University, majoring in management. It Sounds boring to me but I'm happy for her.

I'd talked to Catherine previously that morning, while she was on her way dropping Thalia off at her parents' house. She was with the other teachers, sitting in their own separate section from the students and families.

It was an hour later, and the principal had just come down from his podium talking about our classes achievements and all. It was time for students to start lining up, myself having some time since my last name was "T".

When it was time to line up, I immediately looked into the teacher section, looking for Catherine. I hadn't gotten to see her this morning, so I had no outfit besides the teacher's gown to go off of. I proceeded in line, the names of my classmates being heard in the background. I had found my family in the back due to mom holding Thalia and waving their arms together. I scanned over the teacher section, looking for my beloved until I saw her in a dark gray pantsuit, with light makeup on and her hair down. She wore the teacher's special gown and clapped her hands and smiled at my fellow students.

I was third in line, Maxwell Terry and Bryan Toffman being ahead of me. I was getting nervous, especially since I was about to receive my high school diploma and officially graduate. I couldn't wait though.

" Skylar Alyssa Thompson" I walked forward with a smile on my face, hearing the crowd clap. I looked to my left and saw Catherine and my family clapping, my smile growing on my face. I approached the principal who was also smiling, and handed me my diploma. I turned the tassel on my cap and walked down the stage, going back to my seat. I clapped hands with Alex and Michelle on the way back since their seats were on my route.

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