Chapter 34: The Date

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Skylar's point of view:

Today was the day that I was taking Catherine on a date. All day I was giddy and practically bouncing off the walls. She had no idea how happy she made me. I had planned on going to see the new Mary Poppins movie, since I knew that Catherine enjoyed the original one. I decided to wear jeans and a pink flannel with a while shirt underneath, my hair down, and converse on. Simple yet comfortable. I had picked up some daisies and was currently on my way to the house.
When I rang the doorbell, Grace answered. I felt like I was in high school, waiting for my prom date.
When Catherine did emerge, she literally took my breath away. She was wearing jeans as well, with a plain white shirt and boots on, her hair down. Unfortunately she still had the one crutch to help her, but it didn't take away from her beauty. Even in such a simple outfit she looked outstanding. Plus I could see the bulge in her jeans...
I gave her the flowers and soon we were off. When we arrived at Ralph's, it was practically empty. Well it was a wednesday. The nice waitress led us to a booth in the back, keeping her eyes on me the entire time. Right before sitting down Catherine grabbed my hand, and I think that put the waitress, Elizabeth, off.
We sat across from another and I couldn't help but admire the beauty in front of me. I mean how the hell did I get so lucky with her and Thalia?
"I can feel your eyes on me Sky" I brought my attention to a smirking Catherine, looking up from her menu.
"Sorry, you're just so damn beautiful I couldn't help myself" suddenly I felt embarrassed for saying that so I tried to hide behind my menu.
"Hey, Hey, I'm flattered, don't hide. That's so sweet of you to say, I really appreciate it" I smiled back.
"Thank you" I took one last look before going back to the menu.

We had about 1 ½ hours before the movie so plenty of time to get to know one another again. Once our food came we both dug in, both hungry. I decided to break the ice.
"Okay, so what would you like to know about me?" Catherine looked up, her cheeks puffed out with food.

"Favorite things" I nodded, thinking about my answers.
"Okay, favorite movie is knives out, favorite color is yellow, favorite tv show is psych, favorite food is anything pasta, favorite song is Billy Joel's Vienna, hobbies include baking/cooking, video gaming, writing stories."
"Wow okay that was a lot. Now I just need to remember everything" she laughed, a melodious sound.
We continued to talk, as if we were old friends and she hadn't forgotten everything. We talked about our favorite things (cue sound of music song), hobbies, life, Thalia, and even the future. We were still talking on the way to the theatre, walking since it was only a few blocks away.
I opened the door for her, getting a faint thank you. She insisted on buying the popcorn and drinks, although I put up some hesitation since the tickets were not very expensive.
Entering the actual theatre, it wasn't very crowded. I had bought the seats days prior so we were in the middle number of rows close to the back. Catherine sat first, with me next to her. I had a goal for the movie; hold her hand at some point. I think after our long conversation we were at the point where it wouldn't be uncomfortable to do so.

The movie had started some time ago, and I was going to hold Catherine's hand. She was currently eating popcorn with her left hand, her right one resting on the seat arm. I decided to make my move. I subtly moved my hand, so that it inched closer to hers. When I got close, my attention was solely based on connecting our hands, not the movie. As soon as I intertwined our hands, she looked over and smiled at me. I smiled back and kept our hands connected, enjoying the feeling. Her hands were so soft and warm, the perfect combination.

We remained holding hands for the rest of the movie. When it ended and everyone started to leave, I sadly disconnected our hands and stood up, taking the tub of popcorn with me. Catherine followed me out of the theatre. It was dark when we exited, and I had one more trick up my sleeve. I decided to take Catherine to the same place where I proposed, our old house. I figured we could play a game or two, just relax and talk some more.
Luckily I had remembered to bring a key to the house, so I drove us both over there. I opened the door for her, to which she gasped. Oh, I forgot, I came by early and put up lights and made a fort with some help from mom.
"This is amazing, thank you"
"Your welcome" I smiled and led her over to the fort. She went in first, with me crawling behind her. The fairy lights illuminated the fort, also since it was just sheets that were being draped over a couple chairs and the couch.

"Okay, so do you want to play a game, talk, or watch something?" I asked, settling on the floor across from her.
"Let's play a game" I smiled at her response and crawled over to the game cabinet that was conveniently inside of the fort. I opened it, revealing the vast variety of games, most of them being childrens' for Thalia.
"We can finally play a grown up game since Thalia's not here" Catherine laughed. I agreed and pointed out a few possible suggestions for us to play. We decided on the game of life.

Since the game was on the longer side, we talked while playing. It wasn't uncomfortable at all, it was like we were two best friends catching up.

Once we finished the game, we decided to watch a few episodes of "Schitt's creek", one of my new favorite shows. Catherine had never seen it so we started from the beginning.

It was 10:30 and I knew that I needed to get Catherine back home. I'd had a great time, and I knew that nobody else would make me feel the way when I was with her. Catherine had fallen asleep 20 minutes ago but I didn't have the heart to wake her up, especially since she was so cute while sleeping. Now, I decided, I needed to wake her so I could bring her back.

Just like old times, it was not easy to wake a sleeping Catherine. She was slightly drooling, but instead of being disgusted, It was cute. I helped a droopy Catherine crutch to the car and then even buckled her in. It was like she was drunk instead of super tired.

When I arrived at her house, I helped Catherine up the steps, before knocking on the door. She had woken up more and got my attention.
"I had a great time Skylar, thank you for tonight" she smiled droopily, before leaning in and kissing my cheek. As soon as she released the kiss Grace opened the door, taking Catherine in the house and saying goodnight to me. And a goodnight it was..

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote and I'll see you next time.


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