Chapter 30: Accidents Happen

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Catherine's point of view:

Today was the day that Skylar officially became Thalia's other parent. We were currently getting dressed. I was going in a black pantsuit with loafers and my hair down. Skylar was wearing a yellow and green dress with her hair in a bun and gladiator sandals on. Thalia was pretty darn near matching Skylar, wearing a purple dress and her gladiator sandals with her hair down. When we did a family picture in front of the mirror, I must say we looked good.
When it was time we all walked out to the car, hand in hand. Skylar strapped Thalia into her car seat while I went to the driver's side and started the car. We played the disney soundtrack on the way there, since it was a little bit of a long drive. Halfway through the ride we stopped at a red light. Looking around, I thought about how lucky I was in life, and how grateful I was about meeting Skylar and her now becoming Thalia's other parent. She practically already was but still. When the light turned green I went forward, not noticing the truck coming barreling towards us through the red light. All I remember is a scream before everything went black.

Skylar's point of view:

I screamed when I saw the truck go past the red light. It came barreling towards us, on Catheine's side. I remember the force the hit caused, resulting in us flipping over twice before landing normally. The first thought in my head was Thalia, and when I looked back she was crying, her head bleeding. I didn't hear anything from Catherine, and when I looked I wished I hadn't. Let's just say she was no longer in her seat, but instead through the windshield and knocked out. I spring into action, ignoring the splitting pain on my arm and head. I kicked the door open, standing on the pieces of broken glass and opening Thalia's door. I heard an ambulance come from the distance and knew they could do more than I could. Thalia had a big scratch from glass going down the right side of her face, blood dripping down her sweet cheeks.
I unbuckled her with my good arm, dragging her out of the car and trying not to cry from pain and fear.
I brought Thalia to the part of the street where there wasn't any glass and sat her down, grabbing my cardigan to wipe the blood from her teary eyes.
"Mommy," she cried, hugging my neck. I knew that I should comfort her, but the thought of Catherine and the position that she was in, literally and figuratively.
I saw a shadow running up to us, and I knew it wasn't Catheine but I hoped to god that it was.
"Ma'm, are you two okay? '' the paramedic asked, kneeling down next to us and rummaging through his bag. He brought his hand out a minute later, gause in his hand. I took off my cardigan, and let him replace it with the gauze. I looked over to what was left of the car, seeing two paramedics caring for Catherine. There was blood on her face, and it looked like she had broken her leg from the placement of it. I asked the paramedic to look after Thalia while I ran over to Catherine, trying to see what was going on.
"Ma'm please step back" one said, extending her arm.
"Is s-she o-o-okay?" I couldn't contain the tears leaving my eyes. The shape of my fiance's body was a heartbreaking site.
"Honestly, no. We need to take her to the hospital. Would you like to ride along?" I nodded.
"Yes, but we have a daughter, can she come as well please? I don't want to leave her?"
"That's okay," she nodded. I took one last look before running over where Thalia and the paramedic were, explaining the situation.

10 minutes later we were all in the ambulance, Thalia on my lap while I held her hands and hugged her from behind. My phone was still in my pocket, so I called my mom and told her to call Catherine's family and then to all meet us at St. Michael's hospital downtown.

The ride to the hospital was the longest ride of my life. Catherine's heart stopped twice, and it didn't look good for her. The nice paramedic lady let me take off her engagement ring since apparently she had broken her wrist and it was starting to swell slightly.

When we got to the hospital, a group of doctors met us at the door, leading both myself and Thalia onto a gurney. They then led us into the ER, briefly separating us. After an examination it turns out I have a mild concussion and my left arm was broken. When the examination was over, I was reunited with Thalia who also had a concussion and a few scratches but that was all. Thank god. The doctors who took Catherine back hadn't given us an update so I was hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

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