Chapter 31: Forgiveness

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Skylar's point of view:

It was a week after the accident. Catherine still couldn't remember anything, and it was breaking my heart. It was like in the movie "The Vow" when the man has to make the woman fall in love with him again. If I had to I'd do it but it certainly wouldn't be my first choice.
Anyway, today Catheine was being discharged to her parents house. I wanted her to go back to our house, but I understand her parent's concern, especially if she doesn't know who I am.

Right now Catheine's family (minus her mom who was getting her ready), my parents, myself, and Thalia were waiting for Catherine to be wheeled out. We had balloons and even a cake that said "Congratulations!". I was holding Thalia, and ever since the accident she has been more clingy to me. I didn't mind, but I didn't want Catherine to be upset.

"Congratulations!" Everyone yelled. When I looked, Catherine's mom was wheeling her daughter out of the room and into the hallway. Catherine looked both surprised and confused. I happened to look down at her right finger, where I saw the ring I gave her. That sparked a little bit of hope within me. Maybe we'd be okay...
Thalia immediately ran straight to her mom, jumping up and down in joy. I felt the same way but knew that it'd be more awkward and weird if I did it.

"Catherine honey, look it's everyone" her mom bent down to her level and pointed to the various people all staring at her. I bet it was a lot to take in.
"Um, hi everyone" she waved weakly while not making eye contact.
Her mom whispered something else that I couldn't hear, before she started wheeling Catherine towards the exit sign. As she passed me I took her hand with mine. I heard her gasp lightly as she looked into my eyes. Her mom stopped pulling her and for a second we just stayed there holding hands.
"Catherine, do you remember anything? This is your fiance Skylar" She looked up at her mom, before making eye contact with me again.
"N-o, i'm sorry" she gave me a sympathetic look. I knew she was trying to remember, but I bet it was really hard.
"Okay, well let's get going sweetie" she nodded and leaned back in her chair. I felt a tear rolling down my left cheek, but tried to hide it. I felt arms around my waist, holding me from behind. I knew it was my mom.
"I'm so, so sorry baby" I cried harder, holding my hands over my face. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I was truly heartbroken. I had basically lost my best friend and lover. We were getting married for god's sake. Well, maybe not anymore. The thought made me cry even harder.

After my little breakdown, my parents and I went back home. Thalia and Catherine were staying with her parents, so I was basically by myself now. I decided to get some of my things from the house, since I'd be staying with my parents for a while. I couldn't just live alone, especially while feeling this way.

I grabbed some clothes and my toiletries, trying to make the journey through the house as quick as possible. There were too many good memories that she had forgotten, so it was basically like I should just forget them as well.

For the rest of the day I sat listening to music in my room. My dad brought me my dinner, hugged me, and then left. I honestly just needed to be alone right now. After dinner I showered, wishing that Catherine would wrap her cold arms around me and then kiss my shoulder like she always does. If only...

It had been three days since Catheirne was brought home. I hadn't seen her since the hospital, but today I was going to bring her favorite flowers and try and talk with her. I also hadn't seen Thalia since the hospital, and it was partially breaking my heart to be away from the little monkey.

I was currently in front of the Brooks's household, still inside the car. I was trying to build up the courage to go inside, although they were expecting me. Well, most of them were..

I decided to go ahead and enter the house, especially since I heard laughter coming inside. When I rang the doorbell, Grace answered, smiling wide and motioning for me to enter. As I entered the house, the laughter continued and I knew it was coming from Thalia. I couldn't wait to see her.

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