Chapter 47: School or Family?

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Skylar's point of view:

It had been a week and a half since we'd all gotten back from the lake. Catherine was currently at work, Thalia at daycare and I was on Miami University's website, filling out the required documentation. I had talked with an admissions counselor, and worked out a plan to study online and work from home. For the majority of the first semester, it would be prerequisites, which I could or virtually, but for labs I'd need to commute. I was happy with the plan, since that meant I could have a more flexible schedule while still being with my family. I hadn't told Catherine yet, but after numerous days, decided to tell her when she got home today. Since it was summer, Catherine wasn't teaching at the school, instead got a summer job tutoring part time while also managing the local elementary school's daycare.

After doing my "homework" it was time to go to the store to get supplies for dinner. I was going to grill salmon with a baked potato bar and grilled vegetables. I didn't feel like going alone so I called Rachel and we were going to meet there.

I hadn't seen Rachel since the wedding, and we spent most of the time outside in the parking lot talking. We talked about her new job, working as a newspaper editor for the local paper. She loved it so much that she didn't want to leave for college in the fall, but I knew she'd regret it eventually.

I invited her back home so we could continue to talk while I prepped dinner. Thalia was currently at the stage where she was a picky eater, but potatoes was one of her favorite foods so I got baked potatoes as a fun "craft". On the way back, I'd stopped at Mr. Bray's flower stand, getting my girls some flowers each. The Bray family had owned and operated the flower stand for over 14 years, and I remember Mr. Bray senior giving me a free $3.50 bouquet of flowers for free if I answered a multiplication question correctly.

When we got back, we tag teamed putting the groceries away and then proceeding to flop on the couch. I'd have to pick up Thalia from day care in around 2 hours, and as much as I loved her it was nice to have some quiet time. And by quiet time, I mean playing Minecraft on my MacBook while eating Fritos.

Minecraft time passed too quickly, and it was time to pick up Thalia. Being at daycare meant she didn't have homework, a coloring page or tracing letters at the most. I was worried when she got older and fractions and other math came into play. I think I'd designate Catherine to be the homework helper.

When I pulled up, the parking lot was already almost full of other parents picking up their kids. When I walked in I saw Thalia playing with two other girls, I think it was a tea party.

"Mama" she yelled, dropping the plastic cup and running over to me. You'd think she hadn't seen me for a week, but it'd only been a couple of hours.

I picked her up and kissed her cheek, while she dug her head into my neck. Despite growing older, she was still very cuddly, which I absolutely loved and I know Catherine did as well. After a quick talk with the teacher, I took her hand in mine and we walked out to the car. On the way back she talked about her day. I was half listening, giving an occasional nod or sound that made it sound like I was listening/paying attention.

When we got back, we continued our little routine by proceeding to snack time. Out of two options, she chose apples and peanut butter and then goldfish on the side with apple juice. I gave her the flowers and then helped her take them to her room.

For the rest of the afternoon I was multitasking between playing with Thalia while cooking dinner. I had just put the baked potatoes in the oven when the front door opened, causing me to smile. Thalia ran to the door, and I heard the mother daughter interact but couldn't make out what they were specifically talking about. I moved onto marinating the salmon when I felt a kiss on my shoulder and then arms wrapping around my waist. I turned around and proceeded to kiss my wife, embracing one another in the process.

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