Chapter 29: Shopping Trip

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Skylar's point of View:

It was a week since I had hit James. He had a concussion, but couldn't press charges or anything much to my relief. Luckily he had to go to the hospital after the urgent care and I called the cops letting them know he was there. They called the next morning and he'd been under 24/7 watch and as soon as he was released from the hospital they'd arrest him for rape, kidnapping, and stalking.

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, and I had planned for my mom and I to go ring shopping for Catherine this morning. I wanted to make sure she got her ring and proposal in, especially since she had given me some not so subtle hints about it.

I was currently taking the dog for a walk while Catherine and Thalia watched tv. Despite not actually living (yet) at the house, I still felt like part of the family, and it certainly didn't stop Catherine from giving me tasks. Her in mom-mode was a sight to behold, especially when she was with Thalia. Speaking of which I was also planning on buying a promise ring for Thalia, and then including her in on the proposal so that I could ask for permission to officially adopt her.

Once I got home from the walk, I went straight to my phone to text mom. If it wasn't for Catherine, then my mom would be my number 2 person to run this errand with.

"Babe come to the kitchen for a minute," Catherine yelled. I stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen, catching the tail end of Thalia jumping onto a chair.

"What's up Catherine" I looked up from my phone and saw the kitchen in disarray. There was some kind of batter in two pans, and flour coated the once granite countertops.

"Woah" Thalia laughed at me and Catherine grinned, while all I could do was think of the mess that had been created.

"Skylar it's your half birthday, we're making you a cake". Oh crap I forgot my own half birthday.

"Well aren't I the luckiest person in the world" I approached my girls, each kissing their forehead.

"They're not done yet clearly, we just wanted to give you a hint of what the finished product is going to be". Thalia clapped her hands, still standing on the chair.

" Oh, and we'll clean up as well. Sky, don't worry about that" I nodded.

" Even though this isn't my house I was expecting the two of you to clean up" I grabbed my keys and kissed my fiance once more and ruffled Thalia's hair before getting in my black CR-V and going to pick up my mom.

After picking up mom we were on our way to the mall. She had a friend who worked at Kay's so we could get a slight discount. I had money saved up yet I knew that if it was the right ring I was getting it despite the cost. Catherine deserved the best.

We had just walked into the store, where a middle aged woman with curly blonde hair practically sprinted over to us and hugged my mom. After I got introduced to the nice lady I learned whose name was Diane, we all split up and wandered around the store. I didn't really know what I was looking for but I figured that I'd know when I saw it.

It had been around 30 minutes and I couldn't find the perfect ring. Diane had been nice enough to display several cases of jewelry, yet none of them were 'the one". I knew that Catherine didn't like anything too flashy, and she hadn't even specified if she wanted a diamond ring or another jewel. This was certainly harder than I thought.

" Skylar, come over here" called mom. I took a deep breath and went in her direction, starting to get discouraged slightly. She pointed to a ring, which was pretty, but it was the one two to the right that caught my eye. It was a sapphire and diamond mix with two little jewels each in a circle shape. It had a gold band that twisted at the top, revealing little diamonds leading up to the bigger ones.

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