Chapter 19: Travis

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Catherine's point of view:

It was a Tuesday and a normal day in the Brooks household. I was currently driving Thalia to daycare while she talked to me about her friends and how much fun recess was. I miss recess.
"Mama the sandbox is so big it is like this" she spread her arms as wide as she could. I hummed in response and continued driving. Skylar hadn't stayed the night so as usual I didn't sleep very well without her next to me. I was grumpy because of it.
We soon pulled into the daycare where two police cars were parked with the lights on. Before Thalia could run away to see her friends, I grabbed her hand and slowly walked her inside. Mrs. Moon, the director, was looking all flustered when we walked inside.
"Catherine, oh I'm so glad you're here. You know Mr. and Mrs. Everett, right?" I nodded only partially understanding what she was saying.
"Well there was a car accident last night and Mr. Everett is in a coma while Mrs. Everett passed away. Now there's nobody to look after their son Travis" I hope she wasn't heading to where I think she was.
"Travis and Thalia are friends so could you take him home with you for a few days until his Aunt from California comes? That's why the police are here, he's all alone and I can't take him". Shit she really was asking.
"Mary I don't know, I mean I'm already a single mother to Thalia, taking on another child, even for a few days is a lot. Are you sure he had nobody else?" She shook her head. Talia had already run off to play so it was just myself making this decision. I took three deep breaths.
"Just a couple days right?" she nodded.
"Fine, I can look after him, as long as he behaves himself alright"
"Oh thank you Catherine, you're a lifesaver" she ran up and hugged me, catching me completely off guard. As a lot of people would say, I'm not a very touchy-feely person, especially when it was someone other than family ( Skylar being the exception).

After our little hug she let me go, to which I was already late. Luckily traffic wasn't bad and I made it to the high school in 10 minutes.

Since our school did a block schedule, I didn't get to see Skylar today. Instead I saw annoying freshmen who thought they ruled the school. And it was partially for that reason why school went by so slowly and the end of the day didn't seem to be getting closer until the last bell rang.

"Hey Catherine" I looked up to see James strolling through the door like he owned the place, holding a brown paper bag.
"Hey James" he smiled at my simple recognition.
"I have a treat for you, it's a muffin from the cornerstone bakery down the street" he handed me the bag. I smiled and looked inside, seeing that it was indeed a muffin.
"Thank you" he beamed with pride and sat down sideways on my desk.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go on another date with me. This time we can bring your daughter, I was thinking the towns annual fall festival this saturday"
"I don't know, I'd have to ask Thalia and then get back to you. I might already be going with my parents since I know that they wanted to take her at some point". I looked up and saw him pouting.
"Fine, just, get back to me" he stood up and sulked away like a small child.
I went back to grading my 7th period's papers until my door opened again, this time revealing my girlfriend.
"Hey baby how are you? '' She walked over to my desk and lightly pecked my lips, then went to sit on top of the nearest desk.
"It's been a hectic day, that's for sure" I decided to fill her in with everything that happened this morning, then finishing with James bringing me the muffin.

"Catherine just in case I don't want you to eat that, it might have drugs or something bad in it and I don't want to risk it" This time I looked up and gave her a weird look.
"This isn't beauty and the beast with the poison apple, it's just a muffin from a nice colleague".
"It is a muffin but please for your safety and Thalia's don't eat it. I want you feelin the best and normal as possible, especially when looking after two kids instead of one". The argument escalated, neither of us giving up. Finally she gave up and left, feeling defeated.
Just to prove a point I sniffed the chocolate chip muffin and then took a bite, enjoying the gooey chocolate on my lips and in my mouth. See, there was nothing to worry about.

Expect the UnexpectedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz