Chapter 8: New Addition

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Catherine's point of view:

Thalia's half birthday was today, and as a surprise I was getting her a dog. I'd been working with an agency for a few weeks now, and even know what kind of dog that we were getting; a mutt between a Jack Russell terrier, lab, beagle, and Pitbull. Her name was Hensley but we could change it if Thalia wanted to.

I'd told Skylar about my plan and she was on her way to my house, then the three of us would go to the adoption place. I'll admit I was pretty excited myself having grown up with a dog but back then my brothers were the ones who took care of him.

When Skylar arrived she kissed me lightly and then we gathered Thalia and we were on our way. The trip was only 20 minutes away and on the way Skylar played silly games with Thalia. When I pulled up there was a big banner across the entrance, announcing the pet adoption. My little passenger seemed to get the memo since she let out a squeal and clapped her hands.

Since we already had the dog picked out, we got to skip the whole paperwork process which I was more than happy to oblige by. Skylar and I each held one of Thalia's hands as we walked through the gates and into the crowd of people. There were many tables set up in a line, and dog's on leashes. One worry that came into my mind was if Thalia would like Hensley, or if she would want another dog instead. Not like she had a choice but still It was her birthday.

I felt like a little family walking down the sidewalk and going to the correct booth. Skylar on one side and myself on the other, all happy and enjoying the cloudless sky of a day. When we reached the booth I spotted Hensley at the back, on a leash which was then attached to a pole along with two other dogs who looked alike. I motioned for the others to follow me as I walked over to the man in charge. Once introductions were made, the nice man I learned was Henry led Thalia and us over to where Hensley was leashed up, and I swear it was love at first sight between the two.

"Seems like they were meant to be" Skylar leaned in and whispered to me. I nodded and smiled, enjoying the interaction between my daughter and new best friend. 

After getting everything sorted with Hensley, I held the leash while Thalia walked side by side and copied almost everything that the dog did. Since the ride home was so short, I let Hensley and Thalia both be in the backseat, with Skylar keeping an eye on them since I was driving. I was just glad that Skylar had come in the first place, it would've been hard without her present.

When we got home Skylar took the leash and then led the dog through the front door after I unlocked it. Together the two of us set everything out for Hensley and then just watched Thalia play with her. Fetch and tug of war seemed to be a favorite between the two. Over time I noticed how Skylar moved closer to me on the couch, and at one point our legs brushed together when she leaned forward, alighting sparks and butterflies within me. I knew that Skylar was special, but I was still figuring out how special exactly.

I cleared my throat lightly. "Hey Sky" she looked over at me. I was going to ask her to talk, but after quickly thinking it through I chickened out.

"Um, do you mind watching Thalia while I make us some lunch?"

"Sure" she said, but her tone of voice made me think she thought I was going to ask more. I stood up and walked to the kitchen, beelining for the cupboard with the glasses. After a hearty glass of water I started on the PB&Js for lunch. I knew from talking with Skylar that she loved chunky peanut butter, so I made sure to include that in hers.

"Hey" I jumped about a foot in the air, spinning around with a jelly covered knife ready to attack. Skylar's eyebrows shot up and an amused smile appeared on her face.

"Sorry Cat didn't mean to scare you" she walked towards me and took the knife from my hands, jokingly walking backwards with her hands in a surrender position. I rolled my eyes and dropped my hands, turning back around. For some reason I tensed up when she wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my back, maybe it was because I was falling more and more for her and I was scared. Now I just had to tell her that.

"What's on your mind, I can tell that something is" gosh she knew me well.

I turned around to look into her eyes.

"Nothing, I'm thinking about why I let Thalia get a puppy when I'm going to be the one who does all the work". I could tell that she knew that wasn't what I was actually thinking about but she let it go and stood next to me silently as I finished up our lunches.

For the rest of the day the two (Skylar and I, Thalia did nothing) of us tried to train Hensley and get her accustomed to the house. Skylar was nice enough to out up Thalia's old baby gates so that Hensley couldn't go upstairs, in the basement, or in my office. I didn't want to have to clean up after the dog in more places than I needed to.

Since tomorrow was a school day I forced both Skylar and Thalia to do some school-related activity. I was in mom mode at the moment, cleaning the house and giving order to my "two" children. Thalia did her tracing right away but surprisingly Skylar put up more of a fight and I could tell that me being in mom mode was hot to her since she was literally staring at my ass, even when I was looking. From all the play time she'd had earlier Hensley was down for a nap in her new plush doggy bed. 

After "school" time the three of us watched The secret Life of Pets, which literally was Skylar's decision, not Thalia's. It was hilarious at first, I thought she was kidding.

After the movie Skylar went home, but not without a kiss goodbye, on the lips from me and on the forehead from Thalia. Oh and one on her leg from Hensley. It ended up being a good day, Thalia was head over heels in love with her present already, and the happiness on her face made up for the fact that I was awake at 4 a.m. letting Hensley out. A mother's job is never done.

Thank you for reading this chapter, it was a bit of a filler chapter, so I apologize if it was boring. Exciting things will happen in the next few chapter so stay tuned. Please comment and vote!

- Jane

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