Chapter 26: Trouble in Paradise

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Catherine's point of view:

I was currently in my garage weightlifting while Thalia was playing with her tablet next to me. It was such a nice day out that we had the garage door open, which was rare since I usually didn't wear much clothing while working out, and while I knew Skylar enjoyed seeing me like that, the entire neighborhood didn't need to know about my extra part. Speaking of Skylar, I had heard back from Jeffrey the other day and he said the ring would be ready next week. Now all I had to figure out was how the heck I was going to propose..

"Hey hot stuff" I yelped and pushed the bar up to the holder. Looking up I saw my girlfriend staring down at me, while holding Thalia. I didn't even hear her enter.

"Hey baby, you scared me" I put my hand over my heart and sat up, pecking her delightful lips as she bent down to my level. She hummed in response and pecked my lips once more before backing away and putting my daughter down.

"I'm going to shower now, can you watch Thalia please?" she nodded and smiled.

I stood up and wiped off my face with a towel, stretching my legs and outstretching my arms.

"That's hot Cath" Skylar was looking at me lustfully, and that's when I realized that I was wearing leggings and a v neck, not the most conservative clothing.

"Sorry" I went back to my comfortable position and pecked her lips once more before opening the door for my girls and leading them inside the house.

After a refreshing shower I went down for water. Ironically, showering always makes me thirsty. I could hear Skylar and Thalia playing in the other room, their giggle filling the house. I was about to go join them when the doorbell rang. Being in sweats and a tank top gave me the ultimate comfortable look, and since I didn't know who could be at the door I decided to go anyway. And let's just say I wish I hadn't

" Catherine, hello dear" James exclaimed, handing me and bushel of roses and inviting himself into the house. I just stood there like an idiot, shocked about him showing up at my house.

"Who's at the door" I heard Skylar ask, hearing her footsteps come closer to the front room. Now I really was scared about what would happen.

"Mr. Finnerty"
" Skylar, what in god's name are you doing at your old teacher's house on a Wednesday" This would be interesting to see how it played out.

"Um, I was babysitting for her, she just came back from running errands and I was watching her daughter for her. Why are you here, James" She snarled the last part, making me want to laugh despite the awkward situation.

"Mr. F to you young lady. And I came to take my lady on a date, so feel free to keep looking after her kid, I bet he/she wouldn't mind" he smirked at the end, making me want to punch him. How dare he disrespect her like that.

"Well, Mr. F" Skylar emphasized his name, " I actually am staying because we are family friends and our families should be here any second to go out to lunch. So I guess you'd better go p-r-i-c-k". Her spelling out the bad word for Thalia's sake made me love her more.

"Well I'll be watching then, and your little lie will have to stand. If not I will take my Catherine on a date, whether you like watching that kid or not." He spit in her face and then walked over to me, grabbing my hand despite me pulling it back. Since his grip was stronger he got his way and sloppily kissed my hand before slamming the door shut.

As soon as the door shut I ran over to Skylar who was wiping her face with her shirt, revealing her toned stomach.

"I'm so sorry baby, are you okay?" She nodded.

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