Chapter 7: Ruh Roh

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Catherine's point of view:

Ever since Thalia saw a dog at the park, she's wanted one. She's been talking nonstop about getting a dog that she could play with and take care of. I knew that trick, I don't think that she knew how smart I really was.

It was currently Monday and I was currently driving to Thalia's school to pick her up. It'd been a rough school day for me; some boys thought they could hit on and disrespect me. I could tell that any second Skylar wanted to beat the crap out of them but for both our sakes I'm glad she didn't.

When I pulled up to the school, Thalia was waiting outside with some of her classmates. Her Dora The Explorer Backpack and lunch box were on the pavement while she ran around playing with her friends. As soon as I got out of the car I heard a loud "Mommy" and soon a little body crashed into mine. I picked her up and we did a eskimo kiss, one of our pickup traditions. She laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck, ignoring her backpack and lunch box one of her teachers was holding.

Soon we were on the road heading home. Thalia was talking on and on about her school day and how she got jello at lunch time. Little things like that really made her day. I was half listening, giving the occasional nod or little noise. My attention was brought away when Skylar's name popped up on my phone, indicating that she was calling.

"Hey Catherine, what're you doing"

"Hi Sky, just picked up Thalia from school and heading home". I heard some scuffling before it went silent again.

"Can I come over and hang out with you guys?"

I nodded, but then realized that she couldn't see me.

"Yes!" yelled Thalia from the backseat. I laughed and replied back to Skylar, who said she'd meet us at our house.

Soon Thalia and I got home and unpacked our things while I prepared apples and peanut butter for a snack. When I was chopping the apple the doorbell rang, and assuming it was Paige I called for her to come in.

It wasn't Paige.

"Hi Catherine, I wanted to talk to you" my mom walked into the room, startling me and making me cut my middle finger.

"Damn it mom, ouch!" I held my bleeding finger, grabbing a nearby towel to wrap my finger on.

"Oh are you okay sweetheart I didn't mean to scare you" Little late for that mom, geez.

It was a pretty deep cut, but not all the way to the bone. I'd probably need to go to urgent care.

"Mom can you watch Thalia while I go to the urgent care, the bleeding is not stopping and I'm going to need another towel soon". She nodded and we both went into the living room, much to my surprise, Skylar playing Legos with Thalia.
"Who is this Catherine?" mom asked. Skylar looked up wide eyed, then her glance went to my bleeding finger.

"Catherine what happened are you okay" she rushed over to me and closer examined my finger. I was more shocked about my mom and Skylar meeting rather than the pain in my finger.

"Catherine Rose, explain yourself now" I looked over at mom to see her pointing at Skylar, while Skylar was more focused on me.

"Mom this is my girlfriend, Skylar" I looked at Skylar the entire time while speaking, noticing her eyes bulge in surprise at the word girlfriend. She didn't seem upset though...

"Hello Mrs. Brooks, I'm Skylar Thomson" she went to shake my mother's hand, mom accepting the gesture. They exchanged a smile at each other and released hands, Skylar's hands going behind her back. Thalia was being oblivious and went to Skylar for a pick up, which Skylar did.

"Well mom, can you watch Thalia while Skylar and I go to the urgent care please?" I was basically halfway out the door, not before kissing Thalia's head. Skylar joined me and soon we were on the way to the urgent care, Skylar driving.

"So, girlfriend, how's your finger doing? '' Skylar jokes. I playfully glared at her.

"Okay I'm sorry but what else was I supposed to do Sky, otherwise we'd be just friends and we both know that we're more than that".
"Oka fair enough, girlfriend" she nudged me. I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

6 stitches later Skylar and I were back in the car heading home. Being the sweetheart that she was, Skylar bought me a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream while I was with the doctor and she had to wait in the waiting room. She also insisted on driving, although the doctor said that I should be careful.

When we got back to my house Sky opened the door for me and held my hand once we got inside. It was half past 6 and when we walked into the kitchen and both mom and Thalia were eating spaghetti, Thalia was more like inhaling it.

"Hello" I greeted the pair, both looking up from the food to greet us with smiles. If it was between greeting her mommy or eating, Thalia would eat. She was definitely my daughter.

We decided to play candy land after dinner, since it was one of the only games Thalia could play. Of course Thalia "won", but not without some cheating by the rest of us. The happiness on her face made it all worth it though.

When it hit 8 o'clock it was Thalia's bed time, and Skylar and mom both needed to leave. Goodbyes and snuggles took awhile since it was Thalia, but soon it was just Skylar and I on the front porch, hugging tightly.

"Are you sure that you're alright?" Skylar kept on asking. I nodded and held her tighter against me. We fit so perfectly together.

"You're warm" she mumbled, turning around and placing her head in the crook of my neck. We staid like that for while until I knew she could need to get home, since it was dark. With one last peck we said our goodnights and I watched her car headlight travel down the street until I couldn't anymore.

Thank you for reading this chapter, please comment and vote!

- Jane

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