Chapter 2: What Thalia says, goes

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Catherine Brooks point of view:

Despite the first week of school usually being boring, this time is flew by. Each day I tried to show my authority, but I think due to being 26 it was hard for the kids to take me seriously. If only they knew my life.
Every day I could feel Skylar's look while teaching, sometimes catching her in the act. I took a few looks as well, I mean, she wore those jeans and flannel so well.
Today there was an emergency at the daycare so I had no choice but to bring Thalia to work with me. That meant occupying her during classes and playing with her during my free periods. I loved her but she could be high maintenance sometimes.

It was currently 5th period and Thalia was asleep on her blanket and makeshift bed. Luckily she didn't snore or make much noise. All day if been getting questions asking if she was mine of now, so now half the school knows that I have a daughter and she's 2.

When 7th period rolled around I couldn't wait to get home and relax. I forgot that Thalia was here since she was playing so nicely with her toys until Skylar walked in, and Thalia screamed "Skywar" and ran over to her. Skylar picked her up and placed her on her hip, shocking me by the comfort level that two have reached already. They talked for a moment before Skylar walked over to my desk, getting my attention.
"Excuse me ma'm, Thalia here was wondering if she could sit on my lap during class. I'll be sure to do my work and she's so light it won't be a bother". Well damn how could I say no to that. I nodded and she smiled in response, making my heart flutter knowing that I made her smile.
"Yay" Thalia exclaimed, taking her head off of Skylar's shoulder. The pair walked back to the desk and sat down, Thalia "helping" take out and organize Skylar's school supplies. Skylar's friends Alexander and Rachel were looking shocked at the pair, eyeing them not so discreetly.

The class period went by fast, Thalia stayed on Skylar's lap the entire time, at one point falling asleep. Meanwhile Skylar was doing her work and writing notes down, much to my pleasure while entertainment my daughter. They looked so cute together. When the bell rang it woke up Thalia, who began to whimper and cling onto Skylar. In the meantime Skylar started to pack up as much as she could with a toddler hanging on her. When everyone had left, I walked over to the pair and tried to get my clinging daughter off of the poor girl. It didn't work, she had a strong grip.
"It's okay, she's actually pretty comfortable" I looked up to see bright blue eyes looking at me. I nodded and let go, going to sit at the desk next to them.
"Thank you for keeping her during my class, it helped me a lot knowing she was in good hands while teaching" she nodded and smiled. Gos she had a beautiful smile.
" I'm crazy about this little one, anytime". Even those little words made my heart flutter.

For the next 10 minutes we sat talking and getting to know each other. I learned that she has a younger sister but wants a dog, her favorite color is blue and she loves the band imagine dragons. I told her about me and even let it slip that I was a single mom to Thalia. She didn't seemed phased much to my relief and ended up putting her hand over mine, electricity flowing at the contact. We both looked at each other, before I removed my hand and scratched my arm, trying to relieve the built up tension. She looked so perfect even flustered, her hair in a messy bun and twirling the ends of her purple and black flannel.
She cleared her throat, slightly coughing. " I- I'd better get going, my mom will be expecting me" she sat up, Thalia still sleeping in her muscular arms. Not the time Catherine, not the time.
"Oh, okay, here you can give me Thalia" I reached forward and we brushed arms during the transfer, once again eliciting sparks. She must've felt it as well since she didn't move backwards, instead looking into my eyes. If anyone were to come into the room right now they'd see a pretty intimate moment. I know my body was on fire from the touch. She moved back as if she was on fire, reaching down for her bag and then saying a quick goodbye before being out the door. She was gone to soon for my liking, that's for sure. I wanted to be around her more, learn more about her as a person.

That night after I put Thalia to sleep I went on the staff resources and looked up more about my mysterious student. Turns out she's 18, which is good if we end up doing anything. I knew she lived two streets over from sheets Thalia and I lived, so maybe I'd go on a jog one day and "happen" to run into her. I was ready for a relationship with someone special, and maybe Skylar Thomson was my person..

2nd chapter down, thank you for reading! Please comment and vote on suggestions on future chapters.

- Jane

Expect the Unexpectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें