Chapter 28: Pure Happiness

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Skylar's point of view:

She proposed! I seriously had no idea that she was going to, we'd been dating for less than a year. I guess when you know you know. Anyway after calling our parents last night I slept over, Catherine and I spent hours making out and talking about me moving in, and our future. I couldn't wait to get married, not just because I want to make love to my woman.

I woke up this morning to two arms wrapped around my tank top-clad torso, and a head buried in the back of my neck. I could tell that Catherine was still asleep so I stayed where I was and didn't move. I must've dozed off again since I was woken up to light tapping on my face. I knew it was Thalia, but wanted to have some fun with her. While she was tapping my face, I suddenly sprang up from the bed and startled her, causing her to laugh and scream from joy.
"Got you young lady" I tickled her as she gasped for air. I loved this little girl to death.
"What do you say we make breakfast for mommy?" Her eyes lit up and she nodded her head like crazy.

When we got into the kitchen we decided on French toast with fresh berries. It didn't take long to make a mess, but Hensley was helping with the mess on the floor despite being fed just a minute prior.

I had just flipped over the last piece of toast when I felt two arms around my wait from behind.

"Good morning ladies, do I smell breakfast?" She nuzzled her nose into my neck.

"Yes, Thalia and I made French toast. And now it's ready so let's set the table and eat!"
"Yummy, thank you both so much" she unwrapped her arms around me and went to Thalia to help her down from the chair and kiss her cheeks.

We all sat down to eat and Thalia sat on my lap and the look from Catherine made it seem like she wanted to switch places with her daughter.

After breakfast, Catherine and I tagged teamed while bathing Thalia, who decided to be a rascal today and splash us. I honestly didn't mind since I loved spending time with her.

Mom and dad came over after we finished bathing Thalia. Immediately they wanted to see the ring and hear the story, which I explained to them. Catherine announced that she was going to shower, and I wished that my parents were not home so I could join her. No funny business, just making out. Mom seemed to sense that since she said that they were going to take Thalia to the park while we had some alone time. After thanking them I practically ran to the bathroom, stripping halfway before I even got inside. There was steam coming out of the door, and I secretly opened and closed the door, trying not to get caught.

"So your parents let you come here" I jumped, thinking she hadn't heard me.

"Don't worry I didn't actually hear you, I could just smell your scent. Plus I overheard that your parents are taking Thalia to the park" with which she turned around and smiled, crossing her arms. Even through the glass doors I could see her soapy hair, outline of her breasts, and most of her stomach. And boy was she beautiful.

"This my dear is pure happiness" she giggled and wiggled her fingers for me to join her, her eyes popping out against the gray shower tiles.

I certainly didn't need to be told twice. I stepped out of my clothing, which was just a tank top, sweats and panties and hurried over to the shower door, awaiting every person's fantasy. When I opened the door Catherine had her back to me, scrubbing her body with soap. I came behind her and molded our bodies together so my front against her back. We both moaned simultaneously, enjoying the feeling of one another's' bodies.

Despite the temptation, we both showered and soon we were out and drying off. It was hard resisting Catherine and I could tell that it was difficult for her as well.

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