Chapter 13: The Date

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Skylar's point of view:

Today was the day that Catherine and Mr. F also known as "James" were going on their date. I decided that I wasn't going to spy and I needed to trust her, so instead I was watching Thalia at her house.
The only thing I know about the date is that James is coming to pick up my woman at 6:30, before going on Chad's diner for dinner. Chads wasn't the nicest restaurant in town, so I knew he didn't have all the money in the world but also didn't want to spoil her for the date. Cheap ass.

Currently the three of us ( myself, Catherine and Thalia were in the master bedroom helping Catherine decide what to wear. Since she was going to Chads she didn't need to dress too nicely, so I thought a yellow and blue flowered sundress. She didn't like wearing dresses because of her extra package and she certainly didn't want James to know about it.
"Sky what about this sweetheart" I looked over and swear I was blinded in her beauty. She was wearing dark jeans with a flowery top that ended right above the Jean line. She wore gal brown boots and had her glasses on, and hair slightly curled.
"You look beautiful Catherine, so incredibly beautiful and gorgeous" she blushed and looked away. I took that as my chance to approach her and cup her cheek with my hand.
"Do not do anything that you are not comfortable with tonight. Got it. I trust you, but not him. I'll be wherever you need to be ASAP got it?" She nodded in my palm, leaning forward to give me a light kiss. What I'm guessing meant to be a peck ended up being a make out session in which she had to readjust her makeup again once we were done.
Right as she finished touching up the doorbell rang, signaling that the douche was here. With one last peck I hid in the master as I heard muffled talking and then the door close. A moment later Thalia came running into the bedroom, holding a marker.
"Color with me" she asked, arms up singalong for me to pick her up. I did so and that's basically how I spent the rest of my evening.

Catherine's point of view:

The entire night James was acting like the perfect guy, holding doors open, complimenting me, and even ordering food on my behalf much to my dismay. Skylar was right about the diner, it wasn't the nicest place and we were defiantly overdressed, even myself being in my nice pair of jeans.
James ordered a burger for himself and then a Cesar salad with a grilled cheese for me. Yummy, but not what I would've chosen. He insisted though.

After dinner we got ice cream at the local creamery, him getting chocolate and myself getting cookie dough. The entire date felt like more of a friendship rather than a date, especially when he told awful jokes that I couldn't help but laugh and sometimes cringe at.
Once we finished our ice cream he drove me back to my house, and insisted on a hug.
"I had a fantastic time tonight Catherine, I hope you did as well. Goodnight". He squeezed me one last time before walking away towards his Volkswagen. Sighing in relief, I opened the door and found the cutest site possible. My two girls were snuggling, Thalia sleeping on top of Skylar who was holding her tightly. I couldn't resist taking a picture, or 5.
I decided to take Thalia upstairs to her own bed so that she could have the best night sleep possible, grumpy Thalia is not fun. Despite being 2, Thalia was in the lower percentages for the weight, so it was easy to lift her. Plus it didn't hurt that I do weightlifting as well.
Once I had successfully put down Thalia I went into my room to change into my pjs. I had just taken off my pants when the door opened, chasing me to yelp.
" sorry, I didn't know you were changing" Skylar closed her eyes.
"It's okay you can come in" I resumed getting charged into my basket ball shorts and long sleeve t shirt. I felt a weight on the bed and when I looked Skylar had flipped down face first, making me laugh softly.
"So how was it" she asked, face still in my sheets.
"It was fine, he was a gentleman but I am not attracted towards him and this will be the first and last date with him. I'm all yours sweetheart" I flipped down next to her, hugging her body into mine and tucking my head into her neck. She was so warm.
"Okay, I trust you baby" she snuggled more into me. We stayed like that for awhile until she shifted her body, Indicating that she wanted me to move. When I did she was already looking at me with her beautiful blue eyes.
"Can I ask you something baby" I nodded.
"Are you scared of getting physical with me, or are you insecure about something and that's why you don't want to progress to the next step of our relationship?" At that point I sat up and brushed away non-existent lint from my shorts. When I looked backwards she was already dressed looking at me curiously. I took her had a with mine and started what I knew would be a rough conversation.
"Sweetheart it's not that I don't want to make love to you, In fact you wouldn't believe the amount of cold showers I've had to take. I've always believed that sex should wait until marriage, and that especially case true when I leaned about my now deceased sister. You see my mom get pregnant when she was 17 by this guy who wasn't my dad. She was devastated when he left and decided to give birth anyway, only to have baby girl Brooks to die in childbirth. When she did get married and had a family the babies survived, so she strongly believes no sex before marriage. And I want to follow in her footsteps". When I looked up Skylar had a concerned look on her face.
"Catherine I had absolutely no idea that happened to your mom or your family, I am so sorry for that loss. I'm not trying to pressure you into making love, it's just it's hard to resist you and your beautiful body, no matter what you think. We'll wait however long it takes, until you're ready, I promise." I started tearing up at her words, she always knew exactly what to say.
"Thank you" I pulled her into a big hug, not letting out bodies not touch. Her confidence and answer was the best possible, and I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Let me know what you want to see in upcoming chapters and please comment/vote.

- Jane

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