Chapter 37: Camping Part 1

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Skylar's point of view:

It was currently 1:12 on a Friday and Catherine, Thalia, and I were almost at the campsite. It was a 2 ½ hour drive, but the scenery was beautiful so it was worth it. Catherine and I were trying to navigate the directions while entertaining a bored and fussy Thalia, who had just woken up. I felt like a parent.

Finally we entered Shady Brook campsite, parking the SUV in one of the visitor spots. We needed to get checked in before heading to the campsite.

Once getting checked in we all hopped back in the car and drove a mile and a half to bluebird site, which apparently was one of the best ones. I don't know what makes a campsite a good one, but I just went along with it anyway. We all got out, me carrying a sleepy Thalia. I knew she wouldn't be much help with setting things up, but oddly enough I wasn't bothered by it. Catherine in work mode was hot though. She was wearing tight jeans (hello bulge) with boots and a flannel, her hair in a loose bun. Every time she unloaded something her arm muscle would show, making me literally drool at the sight. She had started weaning off her one crutch to none at all, so was still walking a little like Bambi at times but it was adorable.

"I can feel you looking, you know". Shit. I snapped out of my day dream at a smirking Catherine, who had sweat dripping down her face. I couldn't believe she was mine again. I mean how lucky was I?

"Sorry baby, you just look very beautiful" She blushed and continued to unload. Meanwhile I entertained a half awake Thalia, who looked like she was about to fall asleep on me.

Once "we" got unpacked, Catherine and I switched turns entertaining Thalia while the other unpacked and set up camp. I was currently putting up the tent, malleating the last stake in when I felt two arms wrap around my waist, making me turn around.

"Hey baby, how's it going" I turned around in her arms, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"Hey" I replied, pecking her lips and taking a deep breath.

"You know there's this water hole about 2 miles away, maybe we could go there one night. I'm friends with the owners Carol and Everett and they are close family friends who can watch after Thalia for an hour or two while we have some alone time" she said the last part while nipping at my ear. It was true, I think we were both pretty horny and it was getting harder to resist one another.

"S-sounds great" I stuttered like an idiot. She laughed and then pecked my lips once more before grabbing the sleeping bags and going inside the tent. What an ass she has...

It was mid-day when we got everything unpacked, and decided to go for a walk. It was the time of year when the trees were just starting to change colors and fall, making it a perfect time for Thalia to collect pretty leaves and acorns for a collection. Sometimes kids were so easy to please.

Catherine and I were holding hands and talking about random things as Thalia ran ahead to pick up leaves. Catherine being the smarter one of the two, grabbed a grocery bag for her to put the leaves in.

After the walk we hung out at the campsite, playing chess with acorns and playing tag. Let's just say I lost and I was trying which makes it worse.

That night we made a fire to cook our hotdogs and corn on the cob. It was a simple yet delicious meal, which everyone could make their own hotdog, even Thalia with a little help. We sang songs and roasted marshmallows, all the while enjoying one another's company. We had only brought one 4 person tent for the three of us, which I won't lie I was kind of excited about. It was a chilly night, so we all took turns changing inside the tent before all cuddling in close. Catherine was on the end, with Thalia in the middle and me on the other end. It was very cozy to say the least. I fell asleep easily despite being on the ground and it being freezing cold.

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