Chapter 10: Sleepover

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Skylar's point of view:

Today was Friday which meant that tonight I was sleeping over at Catherine's. I couldn't wait to spoon up next to her and sleep peacefully, playing family.

I was currently at school in Math. I hate math. My Teacher was one of the teachers who didn't like their job and wasn't very good at teaching others. She was a middle aged divorced (from what I heard) woman who hated her job. Anyway since the school ran on a block schedule I didn't have Catherine's class today, so getting to spend extra time with her was a bonus.

Once school let out I met up briefly with Rachel before heading to Catherine's class. I still didn't have the guts to share my relationship with my teacher yet, I was chickening out.

I knocked thrice on Catherine's door before I heard a soft "Come in". I don't think she knew it was me yet. When I opened the door she was sitting at her desk typing away at her computer. She hadn't even looked up until I cleared my throat which caused her to look up and smile. She closed her laptop lid and leaned back in her swivel chair. Today she was wearing a blue sundress with green and pink flowers on it, and gladiator sandals with her hair down. Since she was on her laptop she had her glasses on, making her look even more beautiful. God I couldn't believe she was mine, I was so damn lucky.

"Hey" she said, opening up her arms. I locked her door and went to her, sitting on her lap. She incased her arms around me and kissed the side of my head, taking a deep breath. I was content sitting on her lap, feeling a slight bulge on my ass. Since our talk a couple days ago I hadn't pushed her to do anything that she was comfortable with. But when I saw her naked, I couldn't look away from her pure beauty. Not to mention her member hanging off her body. Damn.

"What're you thinking about" I looked down to make eye contact with her, smiling in response.

"Just thinking about how beautiful you are Cat" I leaned down and kissed her lips. She responded to the kiss and reciprocated. The kiss was slow and passionate, filled with love not lust. This time she was the one to move her hands and massage my ass, earning a groan out of me. Her perfectly manicured hands scraped against my jeans, giving me a wonderful feeling.

We kept on kissing for a while until I felt the bulge against my ass get bigger, and she disconnected the kiss.

"Sorry" she said, shifting around in her chair.

"Catherine I don't care if you have a penis, I just want to keep kissing your delicious lips" I whined at the end. She laughed and threw her head back.

"That's sweet but I don't want to walk out of here with a boner. I knew I shouldn't have worn a sundress today, it's too noticeable". I just hugged her, feeling bad about her situation. I got up from her lap, letting her readjust her dress. When I looked back there was a giant bulge in the dress, with my flushed girlfriend (not yet sadly) trying to hide it from me.

After Catherine got situated, she packed up her things and we walked out together, trying not to raise suspicion. We got out safely and got in the car, heading to Catherine's place. Apparently Catherine's mom was at her house looking after Thalia, so we didn't have to go pick her up.

When we got to the house, we got out of the car and headed to the front door. I was a little nervous seeing Catherine's mom again since I was technically seeing her daughter but also was her student. Catherine seemed to get my hesitation since she grabbed my hand and held it.

"It'll be okay, you two just need to get to know one another better". I smiled and we walked in together. Thalia and Catherine's mom were in the kitchen, having a snack.

"Catherine hello honey how are you"
"Good mom" the two hugged.

Her mom and I then made eye contact and she coked her head, a habit she shared with her daughter.

"Hello again Skylar, it's good to see you again"

"You as well ma'm" I nodded my head after speaking

"Oh please call me Grace, ma'm just makes me seem old" I nodded and smiled in response

After greetings, we all sat down at the table and talked. Thalia was starting to get restless so I took her into the other room to play. I was coming back for her juice when I heard Catherine and her mom speaking.

" Well I like her Catie, you made a good decision on her"

"Mom please be cool, I love her". Her mom gasped and I heard the chair move. I assumed hre mom hugged her.

"Finally my baby has found the one! Grandbabies yay!".

"Woah mom not right now, we're not even engaged yet".

"I'm sorry darling, I'm just so excited about my only daughter finding love. Although she does seem a little on the young side. How old is she dear?"

"Just keep on bugging Carter and Chase, not me. And, uh she's 18. But as you saw she's mature for her age, and she's so good with Thalia".

"I can see Catie, you three are so cute together. Just, be careful at work, I don't want you getting into trouble and risking your job".

"Thanks mom, and we are being super careful and being mindful while at school".

I decided it was a good time to go enter the room and get Thalia's juice.

"Excuse me, Thalia wanted her juice" both Catherine and Grace smiled at me, I'm guessing for different reasons.

Grace stayed through dinner and a movie, until she decided to leave around 9:00. She hugged everyone goodbye before getting in her car and driving down the road. While she was visiting I learned a lot about Catherine's family. Her parents' names were Vincent and Grace, and she had two brothers, Chase and Carter, and her parents had a cat.

"Well I think that went well" Catherine came up behind me. I nodded and went for a hug.
"Your mom is the nicest person, she's so sweet"
"Yeah she's a pretty cool mom".

Thalia went to bed shortly afterwards, with both Catherine and I tucking her in tonight. Luckily I didn't have much homework so I could spend all of my time with Catherine and Thalia. Earlier that morning I had packed an overnight bag and left it in her car during school, so I didn't have to go back home.

"Okay I'm going to get changed in my closet, you can go into the bathroom" I nodded and grabbed my pjs, which consisted of short shorts and a blue tank top. When I exited the bathroom, Catherine was by the vanity in her room, dressed in sweatpants and a short sleeve t-shirt, her hair in a messy bun. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, molding our bodies together. She was currently taking off her makeup using a washcloth. Even without wearing makeup she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Once she was done she turned around in my arms, wrapping her arms around my shoulder.


"Hey" I kissed her softly.

"you ready for bed" I nodded. She smiled and we walked hand in hand to the bed, her on the right side and me on the left. As soon as we got situated into bed I pulled her body into mine, spooning her small figure. I then nestled my head into her neck, and soon we were both slepp in each other's arms.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote on your thoughts!

- Jane

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