Chapter 12: Mr. Finnerty

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Catherine's point of view:

It was another day at Millview High School, which meant another day of teaching ungrateful brats who just wanted to check me out. Today I was wearing a dark burgundy dress shirt tucked into black dress pants and black heels. My hair was down and glasses on in order to grade my 5th period work.

It was before school, so assumed that only a few other teachers and students were in the building. When a knock was heard on my door, I assumed it was Skylar and thought about the prospect of seeing her again.

"Catherine, hello, It's James Finnerty" I stopped typing and internally groaned. Mr. Finnerty-James had been trying to get me to go out with him on a date for weeks. I'd been hiding this from Skylar since I didn't want her to get upset, but at this point I felt like I need to tell her, so I made a mental note to do so tonight.

"Hello Mr. Finnerty, how are you this morning" the smile that appeared on his face just from those words disgusted me. Yep, defiantly gay.

"I'm splendid now miss. I was wondering if you'd like to go get dinner at Mulcipulciano's tonight after work. My treat". His broad smile stretched across his bearded face. It wasn't that James was unattractive; brown shaved head with light eyes, slim body and bearded face, he just wasn't for me. Skylar's beauty was unimaginable.

"I'm sorry James I need to take care of my daughter this evening and It's too late to get a sitter" It was the best excuse I could think of, especially since he didn't know I had a daughter.

"Y-you have a kid? Wow, you're so young you must've been a teen when you had her. What's her name?" This dude just doesn't give up.

"Thalia Rose Brooks".

"Beautiful just like her mother" Okay that wasn't so bad, I just preferred Skylar sweet-talking me instead.

"Well in that case let's go to McDonalds and we can bring her along". Hell no.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea, she doesn't know you and she's not a very social person. Maybe another time though". He nodded, looking disappointed.

"Your loss Catherine, your loss" he moved his hands and scanned his body, as if that would change my mind. I just smiled at him as he exited the room, glad he was leaving.

As I continued the grading the papers, there was another knock on the door. I groaned thinking it was James, but then all that went away when I saw it was Skylar holding a Starbucks bag.

"Breakfast?" I nodded, smiling and letting her in.

As soon as the door was closed she wrapped her arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine around her shoulders.

"I missed you Sky, thank you for the food".

"your welcome, but it comes with a price of a kiss, right here" she pointed to her lips.

"Gladly" I kissed her lightly, no tongue needed in the moment. It was a sweet and passionate kiss, her hands reaching down to massage my ass and pull our bodies closer together.

"Hmn, we're at school sweetheart we can't continue this sadly" she frowned but then gave me one last peck before letting go and putting the bag down on my desk. She then reached inside and took out two muffins and a sandwich.

"your favorite madam" she did a little curtsy, making me laugh. She was good at that.
I ended up sitting at my desk on my chair with her on my lap. We are quietly and just enjoyed one another's company.

The bell rang ending our peaceful moment, and soon students would be arriving for their first period. With one peck later she was out the door and I was pretending to stack papers and look like I've been productive.

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