Chapter 5: A Girl Walks into A Bar

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Catherine's point of view:

My best friend Taylor came for a visit from Boston, and we were currently catching up in my living room. It had been two weeks since the day I confessed to my past to Skylar, and everything has been great so far. She'd steal the occasional kiss after class ended, while I stayed the rational one reminding her where we were and how much was at stake for me if we were to be caught.

Taylor was trying to convince me to go clubbing with her tonight, but I had absolutely no interest in doing so. I had a not-official girlfriend and I felt like I'd be cheating if I went without her.

"just invite her C, I bet she'd say yes"
I groaned, not liking the idea of being away from Thalia in the evening. Luckily she wasn't in the room because she goes crazy around Skylar.

However I knew she just would not give up so I gave her the side eye.

I called Skylar and explained the situation to her. Right away she said that she'd do it, which I was partly hoping she said that she couldn't so that I didn't have to go and we could just hang out the two of us. Luckily I got my mom to watch Thalia while we went out. It was convenient that she and my dad lived so close to where I did.

An hour and a half later I was standing in the foyer in a black halter top dress with a slit down the side and my boobs practically hanging out. I managed to wear only one pair of extra compression boxers in order to hide the fact that I had a penis attached to my body.

The doorbell rang shortly afterwards and I knew that it was Skylar. When I opened the door I was struck by her beauty (and I wasn't trying to be corny). She was wearing a navy blue and green dress that went down right below her knees, with various cutouts around her chest and side. She had her hair down and earrings to top it all off.

"damn, you look so beautiful" I went in for a hug then a kiss which she reciprocated.

"So this is the famous Skylar that has my best friend swooning" Taylor said walking into the room. She was wearing a deep red dress a few inches above her knee with slits and holes all around and a smoky makeup look. She looked pretty good.

After introductions and a long goodbye to Thalia we went outside and piled into the car, Taylor driving while Skylar and I cuddled in the back. We had little conversations here and there, mainly talking about the club and Taylor's goal to meet some hot guy. Myself on the other hand just wanted to be at home with Thalia and Skylar, watching a movie and cuddling on the couch. But here I was about to get hit on and dress all fancy.

When we arrived at the club Skylar seemed to notice my anxiety and grabbed my hand, squeezing it lightly.
"It's okay" she mouthed to me. Little things like that reassured and made me feel so much better.

Let's just say I hate clubs, mainly because they smell bad, are loud, and full of drunk people. As soon as we got to a vacant table Taylor started dancing, leaving Skylar and I alone.
After a few drinks I was starting to get buzzed, and I learned that Skylar is the silly laughing type of person when she gets drunk. So when I accidentally spilled a little of my drink she cracked up and thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

As the night progressed both Skylar and I got hot on by multiple guys and girls, but Skylar's response to that was making out with me. She really was drunk.
I had just ordered my final drink of the night, and was about to sit down when I saw Mrs. Daniels and her husband dancing. They were a young couple who happened to both teach, Mrs. Daniels at the high school. I rushed over to where Skylar was and explained what I saw. Of course being drunk she laughed her ass off and didn't understand what I was saying, do I decided that it was time to leave. Suddenly I was sober when I caught eyes with Valerie, or Mrs. Daniels across the floor. She waved and then went back to grinding on her husband, who seemed to enjoy the attention. They were a cute couple.

Getting a drunk Skylar out of the club before another teacher saw her would be the problem. Skylar went "boneless" and flipped into me when I tried to have her stand, so I had to carry her out. All that time weightlifting was being used now as I lifted her body bridal style and carried her out to my black car. While I was carrying her she was mumbling out incoherent words and sentences, one of which is how she wants to make love to me. And while I want to as well, I need the right moment, and it certainly wasn't when she was drunk out of her mind. Needless to say that while I drove Skylar was trying to undress me, both literally and figuratively. When I got back to my house I decided to let Skylar stay with me since I didn't want her parents seeing her drunk.

It was late enough that Thalia should be asleep, and shouldn't be a problem. I didn't want Thalia seeing Skylar like this, hell, I didn't want to see Skylar like this either. It was like carrying 100 pounds of bricks bringing Skylar inside. She felt the need to go "boneless" and grope my body. It was a good thing she was hot.

Luckily the guest bedroom was vacant, so I flopped her onto the bed and then went to tucking her in like I do with Thalia. I decided that I should undress her to her bra a panties, since wearing heels and a dress to sleep wasn't the most comfortable. With a kiss to her forehead I exited the room and then went to my own to take a shower and later fall asleep peacefully, thinking about the sleeping beauty across the hall.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it. Next chapter will be a little different but hopefully you like it as well. Please comment/vote and I'll see you next time!

- Jane

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