Chapter 15: The Run In

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Catherine's point of view:

School was tomorrow, much to my dismay. Thalia and I were playing barbie dolls on the floor while Skylar went to the store. I felt like we were a family, all together and living life. It was a nice feeling that I could get used to.

"I'm home" Skylar announced as she came through the door, bags of groceries in her hands, Thalia jumped up to meet her, hugging on her right leg. I stood up myself and dusted the non-existent lint off my pants. Grabbing a few bags from her, I pecked her lips and headed over to the kitchen to unpack. Thalia being the goofball that she is clung to Skylar's leg until she got bored and went back to playing.
"Hey baby I have a proposition for you" I looked over and met my girlfriend's eyes.
"What do you say if we go on a mini date tonight, and my mom watches Thalia? Since it's a school night we won't be out late, but I really want to spend some alone time with you".
"That's very sweet, and yes, I accept as long as we're not out too late" She nodded and hugged me, whispering a slight thank you.

Skylar told me to dress comfortably but didn't tell me where we were going exactly. When the clock hit 5:30 her mom arrived and practically shooed us out the door.
Halfway through the car ride Skylar insisted that I wear a blindfold. It felt like hours but in reality was probably only like 20 minutes until the car stopped and Skylar helped me out of her car. She led me a bit down a gravel path (I could hear the gravel crunching underneath my feet) until she said that I could take off my blindfold.

Candles, roses, and food. We were in Montgomery Park 25 minutes from our house and it looked like she had rented out the gazebo. Light music was playing in the background as she led me closer and I saw an assortment of fruits, vegetables, meats, and desserts scattered on the table and roses placed in between.
"Baby, this is so beautiful, thank you" I turned around and hugged her, to which she hugged back.
"Only the best for the best". I pecked her lips.

The food I learned she cooked when I was taking Thalia to the toy store earlier that day, and my god it was delicious food. The entire time we ate, drank, laughed, and talked like we'd known each other our whole lives. I'd never really had a best friend, until she came into my life and filled that spot.

My favorite part of the meal was the mini cheesecakes she baked. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed that she had baked and cooked all of this delicious food.
Once we were done eating she turned up the music and we danced under the starry sky, enjoying one another's company. No words were spoken, it was a perfect moment that nobody could interrupt.

"Catherine, is that you?" I turned around and saw Mrs. Leighton with I'm guessing her husband walking on the nearby path.
"Emily, hi, yes" I was too stunned to speak coherent sentences.
"And you're a student at the school, what's going on here Catherine please explain".
"Um, Um" I was stumped.
"Mrs. Leighton, you're right I'm a student at Millview, my name is Skylar Thomson. While I'm not going to talk on Catherine's behalf please, please, please do not tell anyone about this. This isn't just a fling, we're in love and I plan on marrying her one day. She makes my day better, makes me laugh, smile, and overall happy. I love her" Her voice got softer as she progressed. I looked between Emily and Skylar, and her oblivious husband who was scratching his head.
"Well, that's a lot to take in. But Catherine, I thought you were dating James?" This time I spoke up.
"Definitely not, I love Skylar. He basically pressured me into going on a date with him. He's obsessed with me and that's another reason why you can't tell anyone, please" she nodded. I held Skylar's hand and interconnected our fingers. She reached up our hands and kissed mine, all the while looking into my eyes.
"Well damn Phillip I wish you still did that to me you old hag" Emily said, lightly smacking her husband's shoulder. He just looked confused.
"Okay, so I'm not going to report your relationship but please be more careful, you're lucky that I found you and not James, or worse, principal Randall. I can tell that you two really do care for one another and I appreciate that, in fact I envy it somewhat. Good night". With one last smile she dragged her husband away to leave both myself and Skylar stunned.

"She's right, I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought you here sweetie"I looked over to see Skylar with her head in her hands.
"Hey, hey, it's not your fault baby, it was just a coincidence that she showed up, and I think you'd agree that it turned out the best way possible."
I could tell that she was being hard on herself so I brought her in for a hug.
"I love you, and I'd rather lose my job than to lose you" She looked up and kissed my lips. I kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. We remained kissing for a while, no tongue needed, just wrapped up in one another.
"It's getting late, let's get back to Thalia" I nodded and helped her pack up.

I ended up having to drop Skylar off at her house since her mom wanted her home. After a little makeout session we called it a night, a perfect ending to a great day.

This was a little of a short chapter, but I still hoped you liked it. Please comment and vote on your thoughts, and I'll see you next time!

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