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Michael walked up and down her house's pathway for the past twenty minutes. He knew it was going to be weird but he couldn't do this anymore. He really liked her, he liked every single thing about Mars. The way her hair fell effortlessly behind her shoulders or how her eyes were so deep blue that they were like an ocean. When she sneezed she would scrunch up her nose and her skin was a beautiful pale that glistened like snow. She was perfect and didn't even know it.

He heard a car zoom up the street and stopped, it was the same car that her mom drove. He panicked and quickly dived into their flower bed, hiding behind the bush. His new band t-shirt was now ruined but he couldn't think about that now. Once she went inside the garage he booked it to his vehicle. He knew what he had to do, although he might regret it later.

"I'm done with you pieces of shit making me go bully this girl that I actually like," Michael screamed at the three boys on his sofa playing video games.

"What are you talking about, you hate her?" Ashton scoffed, the other boys confused but snickered anyway.

"You, guys, have pressured me into making this cool ass girl cry almost every day! I may have tattoos and shit but I know this is wrong," He countered back, "If you guys can't accept that then fuck off and go find a new friend."

"We didn't know you felt that way," Luke frowned, "What the flip, Ash? I thought you said she made him a one-night stand?"

Ashton squirmed under the questions, his anger boiling up. He stood up and started to pace around the room.

"You were going soft, Michael! I had to do something to stop him," He sighed, "You won't hang out with us anymore, and you probably would go back to hating us."

"Well, now I do," Michael screams, "I had to fucking bully somebody to get your acceptance! Get out of my house, all of you. I need to....think. Yea, think."

The three boys stomped out, frowns upon their faces. The front door could be heard opening and closing.

Michael took a deep breath.

it was time to go get the girl.

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