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        She struggled to find the right position to hold her camera. She felt so awkward doing this, her therapist was crazy for recommending this idea.

        "It'll help, I promise," Mrs. Copenhagen's voice echoed in her head.

        She doubted that but might as well give it a try. She sighed in relief when she could balance the camera on one hand before pressing the on button. She frowned as it started rolling.

*Day 1*

Hey, it's me. This is day one of my daily video journal. Not diary, because that is for little girls.

I guess my therapist thought it might be a good idea to talk to a camera. It could help with my, um, social stuff.

I was just about to go sleep but I should probably eat. I hate eating. I feel fat and don't deserve to eat. I'm gonna try to have a little lunch anyway.

I have to go back to school tomorrow. I don't like it there, they are all staring at me weirdly. I can feel their judge mental gaze one. I know I shouldn't care but they are staring at me like I'm not even human?

What did I do to them?

I'm scared to go back; school makes you do things you feel uncomfortable with. They say to be in your comfort zone but shoot you to be the first person to present your project.

It's hell.

That's saying a lot as seeing as how I think hell doesn't exist.

I'm going to go eat. I hope this damn thing helps.

*end of day 1*

        She turned it off and set it onto the counter. A sigh of relief escaping her mouth as the shutter closed. She trudged to the kitchen, thinking of the smallest amount to eat.

        Later that night, well you could say earlier the Monday morning, she finally drifted off to sleep. The rain padding along the window drifting a beat to her drowsy body.

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