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Mars and Michael were gleaming down the town's main street, dressed in a suit and dress. They were both smiling and laughing about some joke Michael told, it was too corny but Mars thought it was cute. Michael was beaming as he looked down at the beautiful girl.

Her cheeks were rosy from the fall weather and her skin was a glistening pale that glowed as the moon rose, giving her dark brown hair a silky soft look. He could play with her hair all day long; and kiss her cute, pale pink lips.

Michael came to an abrupt stop in front of a pizza parlor, Mars raising an eyebrow.

"I really like pizza," Michael gave a wide smile before opening the door for her. She gladly said a quick thank you and stepped inside.

They took a seat in a booth, quickly huddling together from the freezing temperature.

"Why are you in a suit and I in a dress then?" She chuckled, brushing a stray hair out of her face.

"I really like to see beautiful girls in beautiful things," he whispered, staring at his hands.

They were both blushing as the waiter came up to their table. He was good looking, not handsome but attractive enough. He looked at Mars and gave a smirk, Michael's anger starting to get hot.

"One large pepperoni pizza please," the colorful hair boy mumbled. Mars looked at him confused.

"Anything else you want?" the waiter said looking over at Mars.

"No, we don't need anything else," Michael said a little louder than he anticipated, some of the other customers looking in their direction.

Mars felt uncomfortable as she titled her hat to hide more of her face and slouched down. She hated being the center of attention and here's Michael who is yelling at the top of his lungs in the restaurant.

He looked over at her, softly, and gave a small forgiven smile. Mars heart softened at him and she quickly sat back up.

"You like pizza right? Because this would be a very bad start if you didn't and then there was that dumbass who kept flirting with you...," He rambled as he drummed his fingers on the table anxiously.

Mars grabbed his hand and looked up to him, " I love pizza, Michael. Don't worry, this is a date between me and you, not me and whatever his name is."

Michael smiled widely and placed his other hand on top of hers. They started talking about random things as their pizza was being made.

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