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Ashton wished he could somehow rid their lives of Mars whatever-her-last-name-is. He was ruining this amazing bromance they had going on. Before her, their lives were easy and simple. They would make fun of other kids, they would go out to parties every week, they would be banging girls every night.

Now it's just this sad and lonely week after week of Luke, Calum, and Ashton playing video games and Netflix binge-watches. This wasn't right. This wasn't suppose to be how their year was going to go. They were in high school, God dammit. Teenage boys were suppose to go out and party their asses off and getting wasted before waking up late for school every day. They were only teenagers and now Michael is worrying about if he will ever see his so called "love of his life" ever again.

Ashton wants her gone. And what he wants, he always gets.

Ashton wants Mars gone for good.

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