Chapter 8

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Days after that goes back to usual. As gloomy as ever just like before he met the alpha. Felix tried to pulled him out from the crumble but he chose to stay.

His friend however didn't stay with him any longer cuz his alpha found a house for them to live in.

It's weekdays again, not only he had to go to work but also it means that he probably get to see 'the alpha' in his cafe. Which once been his wish but not anymore.

He grabbed his key lazily and stepped out of his spaced apartment before he couldn't make another move, being stop by someone. So he thinks.

He lifted his eyes just to meet with big figures. Three to be exact.

All alphas.


Felix stared at his phone in disappoinment. He tried to connect it with Jisung's but the aforementioned didn't seem to answer.

Maybe it seems ridiculous but, Felix knows well that heart break never be easy. That's why he'll not let his friend through that alone.

At that moment, the mullet omega already in the building where Jisung's apartment was. He was in elevator to the 7th floor while trying to reach his friend's.

An uneasiness was creeping in his heart when he saw the door of the said apartment ajar. He stepped closer. Called Jisung again.

He heard a phone rang.

On the floor of the entrance.


He felt like a thunder boomed his spine making him wanted to vomit.


End of chapter 2

Hey there ^^

I don't know what to say but,

Haii! How's your day?

I hope you're going through a nice time,

If not, how about you let everything out or tell someone about it.

You can confess here too! We're alll ears!

Bye bye bird!

Don't let yourself being caged up, free yourself in every chance you get.

You deserve better!


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