Chapter 30

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Chan curled up under his blanket that covered the whole body and head. He tried to avoid the calls from all the maids that persuaded him to take his meal.

It was already two weeks he'd been placed in the 'castle' of his mother in-law. And all of those days was he being treated like an ill person. He meant it like a mentally and emotionally ill person.

It wasn't that he rebelled by refusing to eat for these past two days, but the dulling ache in his head kept disturbing him that he won't add the pain by clenching his jaw in order to chew the food up.

Last saturday, had Minho came visited him like he promised which Chan a little bit greatful for. Not that he didn't tell Minho about that, about the constant headache and stuff. But it was a struggle to get Minho bring him back home.

But everything just went to a vain when the paid doctor that currently 'treating' him in this manor said, that was normal for the side effects of the medicines he was given and the 'state' he was in.

And his alpha left him again. For the following 'treatment' scheduled and the 'secure' place for him, far from any 'harm' and any 'trigger'.

He remembered ignoring Minho when the alpha took him out for a while to release his tension.


The call was soft, delicate, full with concern triggering to catch the omega's attention. But Chan ignored it completely, continuing to stare outside of the window, boring into the same tree as the car already stopped moving and parked grandly near the lake of the recreational park.

"you mad at me?" Minho peaked over trying to make Chan turn and look at him in the eyes. Chan shook his head, completely unfrazzled. He didn't care even when he heard a sigh sound from the alpha.

Minho reached over his hands until Chan was cornered on his seat. The omega still as the seatbelt unbuckled. It was very close that the alpha's scent violently attacked his nostrils that he didn't want anything other than to curl up on him and sniff it till death.
Although he needed it, he restrained himself from doing that.

Minho went out of the car after he turned the engine off. Walked around the said vehicle until he reached the passenger side's door. He opened it and held out his hand. "Come,"

Chan stared at it emotionlessly. He still however wanted to sulk on Minho so, he shrugged it off and exited the car by himself.

Minho placed his palm atop of the omega's head, protecting him from bumping his head on the frame. The simple gesture that Chan could call it familiar. Minho always manage to make him feel helpless under his care. Inviting him to crave for more and more affections. Things that he didn't get much lately.

Chan just followed Minho around, not even bother to think, where the other would take him and what would they possibly do.

Minho on the other hand, probably wanted to pay back his time for Chan that's why he took the omega on their little date. And probably to distract the other from his thoughts. Chan didn't want to jump into conclusion but whatever his intention was, the alpha wasn't completely success.

The date of the young couple went by Chan requested to stay in the car as he felt overwhelmed to be exposed and surrounded by people at the park.

Looked funny but that what it was, parked the car facing the lake with them sitting in the car eating ice-cream.

Chan at first didn't have any appetite left to consume anything but the first bite of the said cold thing with vanilla flavor giving him a complete addiction that he himself found it scary.

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