Chapter 27

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A warmth crept through his heart. It was pleasant to look at the alpha from this angle. The position where he sat on his bed and Minho was on the floor, treating his sprain ankle.

The delicate touch of the alpha somewhat chase away all the pain he felt on his injured leg.

He was however, still a little bit shock with his own daring. He nearly got severely injured by the fall, that could probably hurt his baby as well. But fortunately, no one has to spill a tear over one. And he couldn't explain why he felt unsettle by that.

He glanced up towards the closed door. He knew Chan was out there restlessly waiting the process by the look of his pale face when Minho ushered him out earlier.

He couldn't help but tugged a small smile.

Then the light orbs was he lead towards the alpha that still drown in his doing of working on the bandage. How could somebody looked so stunning even in furrows and worried adorning his face?

Jisung was indeed couldn't drew away his stare until he himself startled when the alpha lifted his head and connected their eyes together. His breath hitched from the sudden contact.

Minho offered him a reassuring smile. "Are you sure that you didn't get hurt anywhere else?" that concern voice urging the omega to flex that he was the luckiest person in the world.

Jisung shook his head almost hesitantly and led his gaze down onto his bulging stomach. "Thankfully, I didn't hit anywhere near to hurt me badly. I was fortunate for that," he smiled a little.

"Still. You need to be careful next time okay?"

Jisung stunned in a good way. This was where he realised he liked it, the alpha to talk to him as if they were intimate enough to have sparks radiated their every moment.

As Minho about to turned around after he already got himself steadied on his foot, Jisung halted him with his still quivery voice. He counted this as an 'attempt' too.

"Please... d-don't blame it on Chan. He... He has nothing to do with.. this..?" he ran his vision everywhere but Minho's making the alpha couldn't help but think otherwise.

Minho blinked for a mere second before ruffled the younger's hair with his hand. The action indeed made the brunette off guard and spread blush all over his cheeks.

"You didn't sound so sure.. Did you?" the alpha tried to play tug of war with the boy as if the 'confession' was insatiable, which it really was. Knowing the conversation would go nowhere he decided that he wouldn't dig into deeper the younger's words.

"Have some rest, you deserve it," and with that, he turned around completely and made his way out the room where he found Chan still waiting outside.

Then the eye contact they made, he could sense the tense that radiated the greenish orbs.

"Minho.. I... I was careless I'm sorry..."

The alpha didn't sure if it was just him or Chan really was over sensitive these days? It almost like he would cry at any moment over anything.

He reached over his hand and caressed his mate's pale cheek. "Not me that you should sorry for,"

Chan shot his gaze downwards before brought them back up on the direction of the gap of the door. Not sure of what he was seeing, but he swear that he saw a frown on Jisung's face.


Steps that were made down the stairs could be heard through out the hall from how silent it seemed at that time. He wondered where the humans in the house went. He considered that Minho already left to work. But, it was pretty odd when Chan also out of sight.

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