Chapter 34

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Minho stared on the photos that had been presented by his bespectacled man with a slight frown.

He knew that the girl in the picture wasn't dumb enough to expose herself in public. She must had known that Minho's peoples were there observing the area and she went out on purpose, seeing that the only way to hint him where they were staying at.

Connecting their devices were dangerous enough, where it could be tracked by a deathly organisation which was led by his grandfather (and he wasn't proud of it). He was willing to wait for eternity or using a hardest way of searching, as long as his mate was safe and sound.

He sighed heavily and ushered the man out with a wail of hand after ordering him to proceed with the next move.

To say that he was exhausted wasn't overstatement at all. He was indeed sick of the waiting. He was worried sick and the feeling grown each day everytime he woke up from his short sleep with a tingling pain in his heart for being away from his mate for too long.

He almost gone mad with the used feeling of the emptuness and cold space on the other side of his bed.

He stood up briefly after made up his thought that he might need some clear air. And the manor's backyards seemed pretty inviting his clouded brain.

The walks to the garden wasn't long but somewhat felt like it took forever with his swirling mind and tensed muscles. Everything seemed off and nothing feels right anymore. And he highly doubt that his mind would be cleared even after he inhaled the clear wind of the tr-

His steps halted at the midst of crunching grass, looking directly at the two figures that seemingly had the same intention as his in the yard.

His eyes locked with a pair of brownish orbs that had seemed startled by his sudden presence. Then the figure clutched a lot smaller body closed to his chest. His face frowned in sadness.

The sight stir Minho's heart uncomfortably. There was so much. So much that came over his life that almost non-stop and he was suffocating silently in it.

His responsibles felt like crushing on him so bad and there were so many that added and folded within each other every day. And Jisung was one of that.

One that he thought a mistake. And he still however stained in that believe. And probably would be permanent after the latter's confession of his wrongdoings caused of Chan's current state right now.

However, he still his responsible. and the big one even.

And the alpha couldn't help but felt guilty all over of how he had neglected the other so much. He even wasn't aware, when in the world did Jisung returned home from his days spent at his friend's.

He stepped closer, deciding himself to stop all these craps. Enough with the mourning and all and be a fucking alpha for once. Which the instinct never found it's way in his system since his first breath.

So he tried. Summoned his animal instinct or just pretend to have it. The protectiveness that was proven stronger than any other sub genders.

He walked even closer, barely flinch when the omega cowered even more. Where he was sure not because of fear.

And a small whined was heard shocking the alpha in his trance, drawing his gaze slightly down. Probably sensing the distress scent her mother produced, the baby wailed and that made Minho stunned in his pace. Staring silently to the tiny human in Jisung's grip.

He instinctively letting out his comfort pheromone in the air. Now their distance was barely there, he could see Jisung's tensed shoulder ease as he took a deep breath. And the little pup stopped her wriggling, instead looking at Minho with big eyes and a grin showing her toothless gums.

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