Chapter 25

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Chan anxiously drove to the hospital. The doctor's words at the last appointment was the main cause knowing that he would discuss something serious about his current condition. Was it getting worse?

The last few weeks weren't help much. Mostly every night, the same thing had disturbed him. But he tried as much to restrain himself after he found out that he was in attempt to hurt Jisung.

Could anyone imagine, how guilty he felt. How he saw Jisung flinched away. He noticed everything. What if he indeed hurt someone out of his control? What if he unconsciously do something bad?

He was confused to the core. He even questioning the reality and almost every single time he tried to recompose himself. And that efforts drained his energy little by little.

Today wasn't do him any good either, he needed to go to the hospital and it was Saturday. Which was mean, Minho was home. And that's also mean, the alpha saw him get ready and went outside. His brain strangled, struggling to find any acceptable excuse for the curious husband and quickly dashed out and sped his car away.

Right. By the time, he already entered the part which he hated the most. Elevator.

The 'lifting box' also won't compromise. Chan felt the urge to vomit by the dizziness when the room started to lift to the chosen floor. But a tall alpha in the same container steadied him with his strong hands.

"Hey, are you okay?"

At least, the spinning in his head settled down a little when an embarrassment crept slowly replaced the latter.

He just nodded in encouragement and mumbled a small thank you and stepped outside right after the door opened whilst blushing intensely.

At last, he could take a relief breath seeing the door to Dr. Kim's room in his step reach.

But, who said his agony was ended?


Chan straightened his camouflage trousers as he stood up from the stretcher. Staring at the woman with glasses in question. He was confused enough when his supposed healer in this case, sent him to another doctor which Chan found... contrast with his condition?

"Chan I need you to go to Doctor Jungyeon's room and the nurse will show you,"

"D-doctor Jungyeon?"


He just finished having a few strange tests that rather unnecessary in the blonde's point of view. He awkwardly compositioned his beanie that covered half of his hair and let the bangs adorably hanged over his forehead.

"Ok, Chan.. I think you need to hear an explanation from dr. Kim about this. Because it is unexpectedly serious and he is the only one who can explain it to you as detail as possible. So, follow me,"

With that, the shoulder length haired woman led the way with Chan trailed behind. Of course to the previous room.Chan sighed heavily, tired of not knowing about a thing.

A knocked on the door and they got permission to enter straight away.

"Seungmin-ssi, your patient here..-"
And after that, all Chan could hear was something like 'conveying data', and about system and things. Jungyeon took a leave after patted him on the shoulder.

The omega took a seat facing Seungmin. Waiting for any shocking news or whatever they claimed about.

"I'm sorry Chan for the sudden procedures for today. And, you know very well what the tests for right?"

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