Chapter 23

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The fine looking doctor pushed his spectacles up focusing his vision on the screen that he didn't show his patient. The said patient's state was improving for the last check-up and one before that. But at the very moment, he wasn't so sure.. Or.. He didn't want to admit that he actually knew what it was.

He however, couldn't remain his stoic expression, and that triggered the patient's curiousity and nervousness.

"W-what is it, Seungmin?"

The aforementioned fluttered. He blinked several time to summon back his usual self which is calm as ever.

As much as he wanted to tell the omega that his state was oddly getting worse, he didn't want to risk telling something he didn't really sure yet. For a while, he would keep it as a secret until he found out what actually's going on.

"Hmm, I have a question that necessary in this case,"

"urm, okay,"

"When your last heat?"

The doctor could tell that the blonde was hesitant as if he didn't sure about that.

"My last heat.. Ermm actually it never come, and I won't make a fuss about it?"

Seungmin nodded in acknowledgement, leaving the omega restless.

"And, are you sexually active?"

Chan's face reddened instantly and it crept to his ears. He nodded shyly. "But, not lately,"

"Okay, we will discuss this on our next appoinment. You can take a leave. So far, you make a great improvement, and good job for that, Chan," Seungmin tried to encourage the person that everything will be okay.

Despite Chan's face that showed he really didn't taken it aback.

The doctor inhaled and leaned backwards after his friend-patient left. Eyes staring still on the image, his brain cells tried to connect with every wire they met. He indeed could guess what it was but unluckily, much to his dismay.

"It couldn't be.. that.. No, it could be but that what makes things worse, oh no," he shoved his face frustratingly.

Reached his long hand towards his phone when something slipped his mind.

Clicked on a contact and waited for the call to be picked up.


"Hello, Jungyeon-ssi.. I'm sorry if this sounds so sudden but I think, we need to discuss about something,"

"Oh? Okay..? About what?"

"So.. You remember Chan?"

"Hmm.. Chan as, my patient or any Chan from my school or some stranger that I hooked up with?"

Seungmin almost snort if the situation wasn't that bad.

"No, it's your patient almost three years ago who got two bullets in his abdomen? And he's now infertile because of that?"

A moment of silence.

"Wait- the one with pale complexion and had a very pretty face? That one who lately I saw visiting you every so often? Yes, I'm sure that Chan right?! I actually want to ask you about him since he once being my patient so.. Okay, what's the matter?," she was too caught up in her rambling leaving the other almost speechless.

"Yes, that's why I want to discuss this with you face-to-face. I don't think things will go fine if we talk via phone," he explained.

"And, maybe.. He'll be your patient once again since you're expert in this,"

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