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Everything is hurting him in the inside but too afraid to blurt it out.
Keeping it hiding so no one can hurt. Oh, so the thought laughing at him when it start backfire him.
That no one will believe him now,
No matter how hard he prove it true.

All the words like daggers thrown at him.
His claims no longer valid when they accused him for being insane.

It mixed up.

"Or you want to tell me this is for you?" Eyes trailed up and down the omega's figure. "I don't think so,"

"He is really sick. Nothing makes sense anymore,"

"Believe me Minho.."

"Chan..... you're sick,"


"You don't love me anymore!"


Who could he rely on now? Realising that nobody are willing to.

He is all alone.

"don't leave me, please,"

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